Newfoundland Cani di Terranova

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Von Sansoucci Kennel

The Magic Stars Kennel

Twillin Gate Kennel

Skipper Kennel

Fekete Panda Kennel

Midnight lady Kennel

Bear's Bay Kennel

Logrus Kennel

Vom Riesrand

Merufe's Kennel


Vertigo Newfs Kennel


Dakota Worlds

Newfoundland Kennel

Fayo's Kennel

Bumbibjornarnas Kennel

Elevage L'Etoile du Molosse

New.F-Age Kennel

De l Iliade et l Odyssée

Chatkantarra Kennel

Rosalita Newfoundlands

Fairweathers Kennel

Del Pulcherimus

Newfoundland Hills





Paradiso newfoundland

Cayuga newfs Kennel

Site of ch. Bessy

Site of Rosa

Site of Prezzemolo

Pouch Cove Kennel

NewFlober Kennel






Ristorante Miralago

Paradiso newfs 0

The Best of Day

The Invisible

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Societa' ItalianaTerranova