
This is a page done in 5 mins with nvu (website);
If you think that this page is pretty bare, well you're damn right, I don't have time to care for style and advanced html features for now, I focus more on content for the time being.
My name is Giuseppe Rota, I'm from Brescia, Italy: I'll upload my resume one of these days.


Now I'm hosting a page that describes the modifications I made to an exisiting perl script, hdrprep (see the links section). This script is designed to preprocess a set of images. The script tries to align a bunch of images so that when you create an hdr file from them you don't end up having halos/blur due to misalignment.
My modifications enable the script to cope with rotations in the image set; I also added the possibility to use a different aligning engine than ale, sift.
More details on the specific page.


I began to fiddle with hdr pictures thanks to these wonderful opensource pieces of software:

Axel Jacobs' hdrprep http://www.luxal.eu/resources/hdr/hdrprep/index.shtml

WebHDR hosts an interesting page about existing software for hdr imaging: http://luminance.londonmet.ac.uk/webhdr/software.shtml

Early days linux and gprs configurations

I started to write this page a while ago in order to share some (i hope useful) informations I achieved during my linux configuration sessions.
Panasonic GD76 as a GPRS modem under Linux
Use of Bafo BF-810 usb2serial converter with GD76 for GPRS connections

I managed to use an old, dumb, black&white printer, a JP70 from Olivetti, using the foomatic driver for the JP350 and the Cups Printing System, under a RH 9.0

I've been linked @ www.tuxmobil.org  tuxmobil.org

Friendly Link!!!  http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/stantheman/

If you want to contact me email me: morpheus.bs --at-- libero.it