Goodwinetrentino, il portale ufficiale del vino trentino. Un viaggio tra le cantine, i vini doc, gli eventi, le manifestazioni le degustazioni di vini pregiati come il teroldego , il marzemino, il vino santo trentino, le grappe e molto ancora..
Benvenuti in, il portale dedicato alle aziende italiane dei settori agroalimentare e vitivinicolo che valorizza la qualit?e la tipicit? offre news, eventi, servizi e un avanzato marketplace dove le aziende possono promuoversi per offrire e scambiare le proprie specialit?
Il rinascimento tedesco - gli artisti pi?importanti: Albrecht Duerer, Hans Holbein, Lucas Cranach, Albrecht Altdorfer, Mattias Gr?ewald, Tilmann Riemenschneider, Hans Baldung-Grien
Kunstdruck Albrecht (Alberto) Duerer (Durero) - Die M?le, Albrecht (Alberto) Duerer (Durero) - Kirche und Friedhof von St.Johann nuenberg, Albrecht (Alberto) Durer (Durero) - Maria mit dem Kind vor einer Landschaft, Albrecht (Alberto) Duerer (Durero) - Bildnis des Vaters, Albrecht (Alberto) Duerer (Durero) - Der kummervolle Christus, Albrecht (Alberto) Duerer (Durero) - Selbstbildnis mit einer Weisdornbl?e, Albrecht (Alberto) Duerer (Durero) - Studie dreier H?de, Albrecht (Alberto) Duerer (Durero) - Alpenlandschaft, Albrecht (Alberto) Duerer (Durero) - Ein L?e, Albrecht (Alberto) Duerer (Durero) - Der Felsen von Trento, Albrecht (Alberto) Duerer (Durero) - Blick auf Innsbruck, Albrecht (Alberto) Duerer (Durero) - Blick auf Arco
Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods (1100-1850), containing over 17.100 reproductions. Biographies, commentaries, guided tours, free postcard service are available.
Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods (1100-1850), containing over 17.100 reproductions. Biographies, commentaries, guided tours, free postcard service are available.
Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods (1100-1850), containing over 17.100 reproductions. Biographies, commentaries, guided tours, free postcard service are available.
Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods (1100-1850), containing over 17.100 reproductions. Biographies, commentaries, guided tours, free postcard service are available.
Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods (1100-1850), containing over 17.100 reproductions. Biographies, commentaries, guided tours, free postcard service are available.
Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods (1100-1850), containing over 17.100 reproductions. Biographies, commentaries, guided tours, free postcard service are available.
Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods (1100-1850), containing over 17.100 reproductions. Biographies, commentaries, guided tours, free postcard service are available.
Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods (1100-1850), containing over 17.100 reproductions. Biographies, commentaries, guided tours, free postcard service are available.
Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods (1100-1850), containing over 17.100 reproductions. Biographies, commentaries, guided tours, free postcard service are available.
Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods (1100-1850), containing over 17.100 reproductions. Biographies, commentaries, guided tours, free postcard service are available.
Il sentiero del Duerer: dal Kloesterle di San Floriano alle Piramidi di Segonzano - Duerers Wanderweg: vom Kloesterle in St. Florian zu den Pyramiden von Segonzano
Die Albrecht-Duerer-Haus-Stiftung e.V. wurde 1871 im Rahmen der Feiern zum 400. Geburtstag Albrecht Duerers mit dem Ziel gegr?det, das Duerer-Haus ?fentlich zug?glich zu machen und den Nachruhm Duerers zu verbreiten. Hauptanliegen seit 1971 ist es, Zeugnisse zur Wirkungsgeschichte und zum Nachleben Duerers zu erwerben.
Consigli, curiosit?e idee su cosa fare, dove andare e cosa vedere nei tuoi viaggi, vacanze o weekend: mostre, musei, monumenti, citt?d'arte, eventi sportivi, concerti, musical, paradisi naturali, sagre e molto altro ancora.
Albrecht Durer [German Northern Renaissance Painter and Engraver, 1471-1528] Guide to pictures of works by Albrecht Durer in art museum sites and image archives worldwide.
Albrecht Durer [German Northern Renaissance Painter and Engraver, 1471-1528] Guide to pictures of works by Albrecht Durer in art museum sites and image archives worldwide.
Ein Server f? die Fr?e Neuzeit - ein umfassender Informationsservice zur Geschichte der Hexenverfolgung, Krieg und Gesellschaft und der Fr?en Neuzeit allgemein. Tr?er sind die Universit? M?chen und die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.
One of the largest online painting museums. New exhibits daily. Biographies and main works of many famous artists. Excellent quality of reproductions. Historical comments.
Il sentiero del Duerer: dal Kloesterle di San Floriano alle Piramidi di Segonzano - Duerers Wanderweg: vom Kloesterle in St. Florian zu den Pyramiden von Segonzano
La Vecia Ferovia dela Val de Fiemme Official Site, Gara di Mountain Bikes che si svolge in Agosto, percorso da Ora (BZ) a Molina di Fiemme, Val di Fiemme, Polisportiva Molina di Fiemme
In der Ferienregion rund um den Kalterer See, Suedtiroler Weinstrasse und Naturpark Trudner Horn locken suedliche Urlaubsgenuesse, mildes Klima und freundliche Menschen
In der Ferienregion rund um den Kalterer See, Suedtiroler Weinstrasse und Naturpark Trudner Horn locken suedliche Urlaubsgenuesse, mildes Klima und freundliche Menschen
Suedtiroler Archaeologiemuseum - Oetzi , der Mann aus dem Eis: Mumie Information, Museum Information, Museum Rundgang;
Museo Archeologico dell' Alto Adige - Oetzi, l'uomo venuto dal ghiaccio: informazioni sulla mummia, sul museo, il percorso dal paleolitico al medioevo; South Tyrol Museum of Archaelogy - Oetzi, the Iceman: the mummy, about the museum, museum tour.
Tour Operator specializzato in vacanze facili in bicicletta. Per un rilassato cicloturismo in europa: Passau Vienna, Olanda bici e barca, Castelli della Loira, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Danimarca, Austria, Francia.
Quasi 2.000 anni fa gli antichi romani costruirono l'unica strada imperiale oltralpe: la Via Claudia Augusta. Giungeva da Altium, città sull'Adriatico...
Azienda per il Turismo Lagorai - Valsugana Orientale e Tesino, per chi intende viaggiare o soggiornare in Trentino. Tra natura, montagne, laghi, eventi, località , alberghi e prodotti tipici.
Apt valsugana, benessere termale, sport, storia, nordic walking, juventus camp, club canoa, surf sul lago e sciare in trentino queste fra le tante attivit� nella nostra valle per la tua vacanza
INTERREG III A Italia-Austria promuove la cooperazione transfrontaliera nelle regioni confinanti: Provincia autonoma di Bolzano, Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giuia, Regione Veneto, Carinzia, Salisburgo, e Tirolo.
In giugno e luglio un ciclo di seminari gratuiti svela i grandi motivi di interesse dell’antica strada romana e dei borghi che attraversa da duemila anni
Il sito ufficiale della Provincia Autonoma di Trento per la cultura: le informazioni e i contenuti del portale provengono da tutti gli enti culturali pubblici e privati del territorio trentino.
Vinschgau mit mehr als 50 der schönsten Moutainbike Touren finden Sie in unserer Datenbank Transalp, Radweg, Via Claudia Augusta, willkommen im Vinschgau Südtirol Italien