A.R.M.I. - Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani
Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani
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The A.R.M.I. Special Award "Nave Elettra" is accessible to every OMs and SWL, Italian and foreigner.

To obtain the award it's necessary to contact, on every HAM band and in CW, SSB and PSK31 mode, from 00.00 UTC of october 7, 2005, ceremony day of the war flag release to Nave Elettra, to 24.00 UTC of october 14, 2005, one or more Gaeta Gulf A.R.M.I. stations.

The contactable A.R.M.I. stations will be:
- IKØJFS Cosmo (ARMI 106)
- IZØEGC Carlo (ARMI 076)
- IKØAAE Damiano (ARMI 193)
- IWØHP Cosmo (ARMI 227)

After the contact is confirmed via QSL card and/or eQSL (eQSL.cc), it's necessary to send a request to the Award Manager by e-mail or by letter, complete of the drawn out of the LOG.

The award will be send via e-mail free of charge or, if preferred, by postal mode charged of a little contribution of €. 5,00 o $. 5,00 (USD).

The Award Manager is:

Cosmo Di Nitto
Via Bachelet, 7/c
04024 Gaeta (LT) - Italy
email: sparks_223@yahoo.co.uk

N.B. Please. sending the drawn out of the LOG by email, use as object:AWARD NAVE ELETTRA.

Nave Elettra A.R.M.I. - Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani Award

Comunicati Stampa QSL

Team ARMI gruppo di Gaeta
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- Web Designer Alberto Mattei - IT9MRM