alfie's software


Name Version Description Status Download

RexxPatchError 1.4 Localize ARexx errors Freeware rexxpatcherror.lha
regex.library 5.3 POSIX regular expression Freeware regex.lha
RexxMustHave 22.8 Rexx Must Have functions AWare rmh.lha
RxAsl 17.4 asl.library function AWare rxasl.lha
RxCD 14.3 Audio CD ARexx library Freeware rxcd.lha
RxCManager 15.0 CManager query ARexx library Freeware rxcmanager.lha
RxChild 2.0 ARexx macros trees functions Freeware rxchild.lha
RxMiamiBPF 2.6 Packet filter ARexx libraries Freeware rxmiamibpf.lha
RxMUI 40.9 ARexx MUI Library Freeware rxmui.lha
RxSerial 1.3 Serial port ARexx library Freeware rxserial.lha
RxSocket 33.5 bsdsocket.library for ARexx Freeware rxsocket.lha
RxToolkit 2.6 Used by all my ARexx libraries. AWare rxtoolkit.lha
RxWB 4.1 ARexx workbench library Freeware rxwb.lha
RxWiz 7.1 Great GUIs in ARexx Freeware rxwiz.lha

BWin.mcc 21.0 MUI public class for borderless windows AWare MCC_Bwin.lha
Calendar.mcc 18.0 Calendar MUI class Freeware MCC_Calendar.lha
GIFAnim.mcc 19.3 GIF pictures and animations MUI class AWare MCC_GIFAnim.lha
MCPTest 1.1 Easy way to test MCPs Freeware MCPTest.lha
SpeedBar.mcc 19.3 High configurable MUI button bar class AWare MCC_SpeedBar.lha
TheBar.mcc 18.2 Next generation MUI button bar class AWare MCC_TheBar.lha
Urltext.mcc 19.1 MUI class for flashing urls AWare MCC_Urltext.lha

ascan 6.0 Multi process fast TCP ports scanner Freeware ascan.lha
bos 1.5 Amiga "NoBo" Freeware bos.lha
CManager 29.1 CManager itself GPL CManager.lha
FreeDB 10.8 Amiga freedb package GPL freedb.lha
GetIt 4.9 http downloader Freeware getit.lha
hserv 34.0 http server GPL hserv.lha
MUI Miami Panels 12.3/12.3 MUI MiamiDx panels GPL muipanel.lha
OpenURL 5.0 Easy way to get URLs PD OpenURL.lha
QueSO 8.0 Find out what OS a host runs GPL queso.lha
Sniffy 3.32 The Internet body guard Shareware sniffy.lha

detab 1.1 Detab utility Freeware detab.lha


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