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‘Learn to do good, let it not be enough for you to pray only….. I want you to improve in virtue and prayer"
"Listen My daughter to the warning of My Mercy to mankind. I ask you to exert yourself. Acquire the habit of enjoying My Presence. Keep yourself in the true peace as you pray and bring Me souls. I beg you, be at my disposal."

"Dan and night, souls are running into perdition. Pray a great deal. Consider how I love mankind. I thirst and wait for souls. Time is short and the devil knowing this, is using other souls to capture souls for himself. Do not be afraid of demonic powers. I keep you under the guidance of My servant. Through him, I will make My will known to you. Take heed of h is words. Through him, I want to erect an altar in your heart for the good of souls. In the Sacrament of My Love, I come to seek shelter."

"Learn to do good. Let it not be enough for you to pray only; meritoriously, I want you to improve in virtue and prayer. I teach and enlighten you through My servant. Do not allow the devil to defeat you by keeping you in doubt and fears. Do not hide anything from him."

"There is a struggle which the world cannot see." (66)


12.30 a.m., 23 July, 1988.


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