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"The Angels in heaven are astonished at My great Love which makes Me abide on earth with mankind under the appearance of Bread."
"My daughter, listen well. Of the many sacrifices that I want from you, I beg you to give Me all your freedom. It is urgent for mankind to be conscious of this reality: that My will is that they be converted through prayer and the Sacrament of My Love. Even though it costs you pain and tears, you must hear Me and pray."

"The earth is crumbling like quick sand. I want to save mankind. Mankind is the reason for My birth, living and dying on earth. I have suffered all the pains. What more could I have suffered for mankind?"

"Do not be afraid if you submit yourself to My Love; it will help you. In the Sacrament of My Love, I am so lonely and whipped by the souls consecrated to Me. I come to see shelter. It is My great love towards mankind that I stay in their midst. In the Sacrament of My Love, I prefer to remain under the appearance of bread that mankind on earth may rejoice and share My Divine life in heaven."

"I am in agony and I pour My tears of blood as I see souls turning to perdition. In the Divine Sacrament, I am very present. The Angels in heaven are astonished at My great love which makes Me abide on earth with mankind under the appearance of bread."

"I am thirsty for souls. Bring Me more souls in your prayers. Listen to My Voice and follow it. I guide and lead. Open your heart and give me all your freedom. This is the work I ordained."


1.0 a.m., 2nd July, 1988.


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