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"When I instituted the Sacrament, I knew that a day would be reached when I would be so much blasphemed and abused by the souls I love so much."
"My daughter, listen to Me. Pray a great deal. I come here to see shelter. As you hear My voice always, the quietness which follows is in Me. Never grow weary of Me. When you call Me, I am always here listening in the Sacrament of My Love. I am a stranger in the prison of My tabernacle. I remain day and night waiting for souls. I am always thirsty for souls. Bring Me souls in your prayers. In your sufferings learn from My courage in the Sacrament of My Love. When I instituted the Sacrament, I knew that a day would be reached when I would be so much blasphemed and abused by the souls I love so much. In My Mercy, you will find the source of light and love. Pray a great deal. Atone. My Heart bleeds in this grave hour. Do not be afraid. I beg you to carry out My direction and give Me the hours that I beg for the good of souls. Listen to My suffering call. Do not lose any of these precious times. Write My words and pray. I can do all things. Never doubt. With an anguished heart I come here to seek shelter. I am calling everyone to be converted."

"In the Sacrament of My Love, I am so lonely and blasphemed. Like Judas, the souls consecrated to Me betray Me day and night. With unlimited tears in My Heart, I give the warning from My Divine Mercy. Souls are to be converted through prayer and my Sacrament. The demon is disposed to mislead souls. Pray a great deal. Bring Me Souls. I am thirsty for souls that I love so much."

"In this sacrilegious struggle, much of which has been created by man, will be demolished due to both savage impulses and aggrandisement. My Heart is broken in pain because I am so much abused in the Sacrament of My Love. I have no rest. Keep Me in silence."

"Good people suffer and are so much persecuted by justice. They have nothing to fear because one day they will be separated from the impious and obstinate sinners who persecute them. What a pain for Me to see so much bloodshed in the world. It is a great desolation. Pray a great deal. In the Sacrament of My Love, you are a victim. I close Myself in waiting and longing for the souls to come and repent before it is too late. How can I save the souls if they do not listen to Me? Look a My pains! I am reduced to such a state of pitiable disfigurement for the souls of mankind. Pray and quench My thirst."

"I give My blessing."


6th May, 1988


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