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"My Heart bleeds for all marriages in which My Sacraments have been suppressed."
"My daughter, listen to Me. I want souls to be saved. I want them to recognize My Love and mercy towards them. These words I tell you will be the light and life for an incalculable number of souls. I give My grave that by this Word, souls may be enlightened and be converted. Bring Me souls. What a pain to Me! Souls are buried in sensuality! I wish that above all, souls may understand My Divine Mercy."

"In the Sacrament of My Love, I am over there waiting for souls with open arms like the most affectionate parent, in order to impart life and take joy in the children."

"I come to say: repent before it is too late. The souls I love so much do not understand. I am so abused and profaned as I remain in My prison. Do not be afraid even when you receive sufferings. Only in this way, you will win battles of your apostolate to call lost souls and to repair, to dress the wound caused to Me by My own….. If they pray, they will find source of light and love. I counsel them not to create any obstacles of incertitude. In this hour, in My Divine Sacrament, My Heart bleeds for all marriages in which My sacraments have been suppressed."

"I do not have any rest in this prison. Pray a great deal. Do not waste any of these precious times for saving souls. Put yourself in the high spirit of contemplation."

‘I give My blessing."


2.30 a.m., 8th April, 1988


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