Are you still hungry? Because I'd be— (looks fondly at Xander sleeping)
(singing) Mr. Xander Harris. (walks to him)
That's what he is to the world outside.
That's the name he carries with pride. (puts away his hard hat and tool box)
I'm just lately Anya.
Not very much to the world, I know.
All these years with nothing to show. (puts away his shoes)
I've boned a troll, I've wreaked some wrath,
But on the whole, I've had no path. (twirling)
I like to bowl, I'm good with math,
But who am I? (kneeling)
Now I reply that
I'm the Missis (looks at engagement ring)
I will be his Missis.
Mrs. Anya Christina Emanuella Jenkins Harris. (twirling, dancing)
What's the point of loving...
I mean except for the sweaty part. (gathers pillows)
What's the point of losing your heart?
Maybe if you're lucky
Being a pair makes you twice as tall. (gathers a blanket)
Maybe you're not losing at all. (opens blanket)
No need to cover up my heart, (spreads blanket on Xander)
Plus see above RE: sweaty part.
So maybe love is pretty smart
And so am I
I found my guy!
And I'll be Missis (sits on his lap while the recliner spins)
I will be his Missis
Mrs. Anya Lame-Ass-Made-Up-Maiden-Name Harris.
We'll never part (walks into the kitchen)
Not if we can
And if we start
Then here's my plan
I'll show him what bliss is
Welcome him with kisses
'Cause this is a Missis who misses her man
He's my Xander
And he's awfully swell
It makes financial sense as well,
Although he can be—I'll never tell—
Just stand aside
Here comes the bride (goes through balcony door, and is suddenly in wedding gown)
I'll be Missis.
I will be his Missis
I will be—



I am so high, I can hear heaven

I am so high, I can hear heaven

Whoa, but heaven…no, heaven hear me

And they say

That a hero could save us

I’ll hold onto the wings of the eagles

Watch as we all fly away

Someone told me

Love would all save us

But, how can that be

Look what love gave us

And they say

That a hero could save us

I’m not gonna stand here ad wait

I’ll hold onto the wings of the eagles

Watch as we all fly away

Now that the world isn’t ending

It’s love that I’m sending to you

It isn’t the love of a hero

And that’s why I fear it won’t do

And they say

That a hero could save us

I’m not gonna stand here and wait

I’ll hold onto the wings of the eagles

Watch as we all fly away

[Repeat 3x]

And they’re watching us

They’re watching us

As we all fly away

Chad Kroeger


                                                                                                                                              Strana sensazione…sono i tuoi occhi su di me, sento, i tuoi occhi su di me. Un’ultima speranza. Mi volto a guardarti e…sei circondato dalla nebbia che sembra rappresentare tutte le cose che ci dividono. I tuoi occhi…i tuoi occhi sono bagnati angelo mio, il mio angelo sta piangendo. Un minuto, un soffio di fiato, del nostro amore eterno questo ci rimane? Un soffio…un soffio che ti porterà via da me. Ti sento ancora sulla mia pelle, sulle mie labbra e un brivido scorre nelle mie vene. Non vedo più la stella del nostro amore, qualcuno l’ha coperta con la sua invidia. Angelo mio guardami, guarda il mio cuore che ti appartiene, non puoi ignorarlo, non te ne andrai vero, rimarrai con me?…No! I tuoi occhi… suoi tuoi occhi vedo la nebbia, la nebbia ti sta avvolgendo, tu non rimarrai con me, mi stai lasciando, mi stai già lasciando…Sento il mio cuore allontanarsi da me, tra poco sarò il burattino della parvenza di vita a cui mi vuoi lasciare…ti stai voltando, mi stai voltando le spalle e non tornerai…non tornerai da me…quel soffio che ci rimaneva è uscito dalle mie labbra…quel soffio di vita è uscito dalle mie labbra e non tornerà mai più, mai più perché un burattino non può respirare, è morto…io sono morta con la nebbia che ti sei lasciato dietro le spalle.




Testi presi dai miei wallpapers:

Amore soffocato, amore silenzioso, amore che, nonostante la sua grandezza è rimasto oscuro alla persona amata...Desideri, sogni e tanta voglia di realizzarli...Voglia, passione, uniti al tempo che trascorre lento, tempo di attesa, nella speranza di rivederti ancora, ancora una volta questa notte



Buff, you sayed: "take me" because you love me, now i have your blood and your heart.

Buff, your life is mine, YOU ARE MINE




Over and Over I look in your eyes,

You are all I desire,

You have captured me,

I want to hold you, I want to be close to you

I never want let you go

Can I have this kiss for ever?

I wish that this night would never end....



Lover, I love to see you cry,

I love see fear in your eyes,

and you're afraid because you know that

I'm around you, I'm inside you

I only want to see you cry again

Sweet as pleasure is pain

It makes me feel alive



With my hands, with my hands

I killed my only love...

"Angel, don't you worry about it...I love you...

Close your eyes"

After this sentence

I Killed My Life




Tu estasi della notte, sopore del cielo ti posasti su di me. Il tumulto divenne una nube di polvere, attraverso la nube vidi i tratti sfigurati dell'amata. Nei suoi occhi era adagiata l'eternità, io afferrai le sue mani e le lacrime divennero un legame scintillante non lacerabile. Millenni dileguarono in lontananza, come uragani. Al suo collo piansi lacrime d'estasi per la nuova vita. Fu il primo, unico sogno, e solo d'allora sentii eterna, inalterabile fede nel cielo della notte e nella sua luce, l'amata.

Da "Inno alla notte" di Novalis






        Amore, dolore, passione...sono stati questi i sentimenti che ci hanno uniti fin’ora, ci hanno aiutato a superare le avversità...

“Voglio vivere per sempre con te” “Io no”

Queste parole mi hanno ucciso, mi sento soffocare in un mare di silenzio, di dolore...

Ti ho donato il mio cuore, la mia anima, il mio corpo, il mio sangue, e non è bastato. Abbiamo combattuto insieme per fermare l’Apocalisse ed ora sei li, tra la nebbia... Come mai i tuoi occhi ora stanno piangendo? Riesco a vederli tra la nebbia. Dimmi che era un incubo e ci stiamo svegliando.

Dimmi come si può dimenticare l’amare, come si può dimenticare il vivere? Questi sentimenti rimarranno nel mio cuore, ma la mia vita sarà senza luce, il mio amore sarà incatenato in un cuore ormai congelato.

Vuoi donarmi una vita diversa, bé... ci riuscirai, ne sto già vivendo l’alba, un’alba di morte, l’alba di un nuovo giorno di cui tu non sarai più il sole che illuminerà la mia vita.

By Buffy86



Rest In Peace (Spike)

I died so many years ago
You can make me feel like it isn't so
And why you can't be with me
I think I finally know (Mmm-mmm)
You're scared, ashamed of what you feel
And you can't tell the ones you love
You know they couldn't deal
Whisper in a dead man's ear
It doesn't make it real

That's great, but I don't wanna play
'Cause being with you touches me
More than I can say
And since I'm only dead to you
I'm sayin' stay away
And let me rest in peace

Let me rest in peace
Let me get some sleep
Let me take my love and bury it
In a hole six foot deep
I can lay my body down
But I can't find my sweet release
So let me rest in peace

You know you got a willin' slave
And you just love to play the thought
That you might misbehave
But 'til you do I'm tellin' you
Stop visiting my grave
And let me rest in peace

I know I should go
But I follow you like a man possessed
There's a traitor here beneath my breast
And it hurts me more than you've ever guessed
If my heart could beat it would break my chest
But I can see you're unimpressed
So leave me be and

Let me rest in peace
Let me get some sleep
Let me take my love and bury it
In a hole six foot deep
I can lay my body down
But I can't find my sweet release
Let me rest in peace
Why won't you let me rest in peace


 “You have to live a normal life”

This sentence stroke my heart.

You were close to death and I gave you my blood, but you didn’t take only this, but all of me.

Although this gift of love, you think that I don’t love so much to give up a normal life. But then, which  normal life?

I’m a slayer, could I have this? What could I have a family for give to my children a fearful life? But for you I must live a normal life.

Around me nothing is normal: my sister is the key of a dimensional door, my friends are two withes, an ex-demon and a vampire...

When I walk in the street and I see people with their normal life. But do I want this? I don’t know, and also if I’d like it, I can’t have this, it’s my destiny. I met the peace of Paradise, now, I’m in this hell, I have’t my mother anymore, I have to think of my sister, I have to save the world and to help me with this, al I have is a stupid vampire with a stupid chip, because you, my Sire, left me in his hands, but you don’t even know. You don’t want my love? Good. I’ll love that stupid vampire, he love me, and he is more understanding as you.

                                                                                                                                              Angel, you have my blood, you can’t change this, you have to accept this because it’s:





                                                                                                                                                          By Buffy86


Esco per il mio solito giro notturno, mi dirigo verso il luogo in cui passo la maggior parte del mio tempo, dove ho passato i più bei momenti in tua compagnia. Sembra così strano che questo luogo sia il cimitero…!

In ogni angolo vedo la tua immagine che ricordandoti mi trafigge, mi sembra che ora che mi hai lasciata, mi ha lasciato anche la forza e la capacità di respirare, mi sento soffocare dal vuoto che hai lasciato in me, ma devo fa finta di nulla, devo combattere i simili di colui che amo, anche se in ognuno di loro vedo te.

                                                                                                                                              Sono la cacciatrice, la Terra dipende da me e io non posso lasciarmi andare, anche se so che la mia morte si sta avvicinando, mentre l’amore per la vita mi sta lasciando…la vita mi lascerà, dato che anche tu che sei tutto per me, aria, anima, forza…mi lascerai definitivamente…



                                                                                                                                                                         By Buffy86


Buff, you don’t know who I am:

I’m a dark angel,

                           I’m Master of the Night,

                                       I’m fear in the eyes, in your eyes.


I’m your accelerate heartbeats,

                                       I’m passion that overwhelms you






                                                                                                                                                               By Buffy86



                                                                                                                                              I walk in the dark, in the dark that has been my friend for two centuries, in a moment a light, pure and dazzling, overwhelm me…you are this light.

                                                                                                                                              I’m afraid of getting close to you, I’m afraid to turn off your light with the evil that I carry with me, I just see you vanish under the mantle of dark that I carry on my journey, the journey that will take me to you…

No, I can’t excuse me love, but your place is light, mine…darkness…


                                                                                                                                                      Angel                                                                                                                                                      By Buffy86