I dialoghi di Buffy & Spike

--- > Buffy/Angel


V Serie

THE GIFT:    Inglese

VI Serie

LIFE SERIAL:    Inglese

AFTER LIFE:    Inglese

ALL THE WAY:    Inglese

TABULA RASA:    Inglese

DEATH THINGS:    Inglese

SMASHED:    Inglese

WRECKED:    Inglese

AS YOU WERE:   Inglese

VII Serie

BENEATH YOU:    Inglese


SELFLESS:    Inglese

SLEEPER:    Inglese

NEVER LEAVE ME:     Inglese




THE GIFT    Inglese


Xander: "Why blood? Why Dawn's blood? I mean, why couldn't it be, like, a lymph ritual?"
Spike: "'Cause it's always got to be blood."
Xander: "We're not actually discussing dinner right now."
Spike: "Blood is life, lack-brain. Why do you think we eat it? It's what keeps you going. Makes you warm. Makes you hard. Makes you other than dead. 'Course it's her blood."

Buffy: "I don't want to hear it."
Giles: "I understand that..."
Buffy: "No, no you don't understand. We are not talking about this."
Giles: "Yes, we bloody well are!"

Buffy: "Tell me to kill my sister."

Willow: "We'll solve this. We will. Don't have another coma, o.k.?"

Giles: "If the ritual starts then every living creature in this and every other dimension imaginable will suffer unbearable torment and death... including Dawn."
Buffy: "Then the last thing she'll see is me protecting her."
Giles: "You'll fail. You'll die. We all will."
Buffy: "I'm sorry. I love you all, but... I'm sorry."

Spike: "Uh, when you say you love us all...?"
Giles & Xander: "Shut up."

Anya: "Willow! I'll bet you've got some dark spell abrewin'. Make her a toad? Little hoppy toad? Hit it with a hammer?"

Anya: "Here to help! Wanna live!"
Xander: "Smart chicks are so hot!"
Willow: "You couldn't have figured that out in 10th grade?"

Ben: "I wish there were another way."
Dawn: "And I wish you'd fall on your head and drown in your own barf. So I guess we're both disappointed."

Ben: "I think it'll be quick."
Minion: "Actually, sir, the bleeding is quite a slow process, to give the portal time..."
Ben: "Thank you for the information."

Giles: "I imagine you hate me right now. ...
I love Dawn."
Buffy: "I know."
Giles: "But I've sworn to protect this sorry world, and sometimes that means saying and doing what other people can't... they shouldn't have to."
Buffy: "You try and hurt her, and you know I'll stop you."
Giles: "I know."

Buffy: "This is how many apocalypses for us now?"
Giles: "Oh, well... uh... six at least. Feels like a hundred."

Buffy: "The spirit guide told me that death is my gift. I guess that means a Slayer really is just a killer after all."
Giles: "I think you're wrong about that."
Buffy: "Doesn't matter. If Dawn dies, I'm done with it. I'm quitting."

Xander: "Spike's sex-bot. Why didn't they just melt it down into scrap?"
Anya: "Maybe Willow wanted it."
Xander: "I don't think Willow feels that way about Buffy... I mean, I know she's going through a lot of changes..."
Anya: "To study."
Xander: "Right. Robotics. Science."
Anya: "Pervert."
Xander: "Other pervert."

Anya: "God! Who would put something like that there! Is this supposed to be some sort of sick joke? As if things aren't bad enough!... This is an omen."
Xander: "Sshhh."
Anya: "No, no, no, it's an omen. It's a higher power telling me through bunnies that we're all gonna die!"

Anya: "No, you see usually when there's an apocalypse I skedaddle, but now I love you so much that I have inappropriately timed sex and try to think of ways to fight a god."

Xander: "I think we're gonna get through this. I think I'm gonna live a long and silly life, and I'm not interested in doing that without you around."

Anya: "Yes. I mean, yes! ... No!"
Xander: "No?"
Anya: "After. Give it to me when the world doesn't end."

Buffy: "What have you got for me?"
Willow: "Some ideas! Well...notions... or... theories based on wild speculation? Did I mention I'm not good under pressure?"
Buffy: "I need you, Wil. You're my big gun."
Willow: "I'm your... No! I was never a gun! Someone else should be the gun. I could be a cudgel... or a pointy stick!"

Buffy: "You're my best shot at getting her on the ropes, so don't get a jelly-belly on me now."

Willow: "It might weaken Glory... or make her less coherent... or it might make all our heads explode."

Xander: "Hey, I happen to be...."
Spike: "... a glorified bricklayer?"
Xander: "I'm also a swell bowler."
Anya: "Has his own shoes!"
Spike: "The gods themselves do tremble."

Buffy: "I'm counting on you to protect her."
Spike: "'Til the end of the world... even if that happens to be tonight."

Spike: "I know you'll never love me. I know that I'm a monster. But you treat me like a man, and that's.... Get your stuff, I'll be here."

Tara: (to Giles) "You're a killer! This is all set down."

Buffy: "Remember: The ritual starts, we all die; and I'll kill anyone who comes near Dawn."
Spike: "Well, not exactly the St. Crispin's Day speech, was it?"
Giles: "We few, we happy few..."
Spike: "...we band of buggered."

Xander: "Shpedoinkle!"

Glory: "Oh, I need a brain to eat."
Minion: "Oh! Take mine, Oh Groove-tastic One!"
Glory: "I said a brain, you worthless dirt!"

Minion: "Oh, Most Sweaty-Naughty-Feelings-Causing One!"

Minion: "This will be our day of glory!"
Minion 2: "Well, punned!"
Minion: "Well, it just called out to me."

Glory: "The Slayer's a robot! Did everybody else know the Slayer was a robot?"
Buffy: "Glory? You're not the brightest god in the heavens, are you?"

Glory: "You lost your hammer, Sweetcheeks. What're you gonna hit me with now?"
(wrecking ball comes through wall and into her) Buffy: "Whatever's handy."

Xander: "The glorified bricklayer picks up a spare!"

Spike: "Doesn't a fellow stay dead when you kill him?"
Doc: "Look who's talking."

Doc: "I don't smell a soul on you anywhere. Why do you care?"
Spike: "I made a promise to a lady."
Doc: "Oh? ...Then I'll send the lady your regrets."

Giles: "Can you move?"
Ben: "Need a ...a minute. She could have killed me."
Giles: "No, she couldn't. And sooner or later Glory will re-emerge and make Buffy pay for that mercy... and the world with her. Buffy even knows that, and still she couldn't take a human life. She's a hero, you see. She's not like us."
Ben: "Us?"

Dawn: "Buffy!"
Doc: "This should be interesti--uh...ahhhhhhh!"

Buffy: "Dawn, listen to me. Listen: I love you. I will always love you. This is the work that I have to do. Tell Giles I... tell Giles I figured it out, and I'm o.k. Give my love to my friends. You have to take care of them now. You have to take care of each other. You have to be strong. Dawn, the hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live... for me."

1981 - 2001




Open on close shot of Spike looking to his left with a small smile. It's dark.

BUFFY: (OS) This is gonna be great.

We see Buffy holding up a shot-glass full of liquor. She pours the shot down her throat, swallows it and makes a horrible face.

BUFFY: Blaaah! (shakes head)

We see that Buffy and Spike are sitting on a coffin in Spike's crypt. Spike lifts his own shot-glass to his mouth and slams it down.

BUFFY: Life is stupid.
SPIKE: I have a dim memory of that, yeah. (puts glass down) And I didn't figure you were here cadging my whiskey 'cause life's all full of blood and peaches.
BUFFY: No. There's this thing ... someone's doing stuff to me. Messing up my life. Except that it was kind of pre-messed already. You know, with school, and jobs ... pretty bad even without the evil.
SPIKE: So you, uh, just what? Gonna let this whoever play you till it figures out what kills you?
BUFFY: (shrugs, puts down her glass) Giles is working on it.
SPIKE: (laughs) Oh, good, 'cause Giles wields the mighty force of library books.
BUFFY: You'd do better?
SPIKE: Damn right! I'd hit the demon world.

Buffy has Spike's whiskey flask in her hand. She begins refilling the two glasses as Spike brings one leg over the coffin so he's straddling it.

SPIKE: Ask questions, throw punches, find out what's in the air. Hmm? It's fun too.
BUFFY: (slurred) It's not my kind of fun. (screwing cap back onto the flask)
SPIKE: Yeah. It is.

She looks at him.

SPIKE: (quietly) And your life's gonna get a lot less confusing when you figure that out.
BUFFY: (slurred) You have had *so* too much to drink at this point, I am cuttin' you off.

They both empty their glasses again. Buffy again makes her alcohol face.

BUFFY: Blaaah! (shakes head)

Spike watches this with a smile.

SPIKE: You're not a schoolgirl. You're not a shop girl.

Buffy pours from the flask into her glass again, emptying the flask.

SPIKE: You're a creature of the darkness. Like me. (Buffy looks at him) Try on my world. See how good it feels.
BUFFY: Are there drinks in your world?

Spike grins.

Cut to a seedy bar. Loud rock music, people drinking. Pan across to the door. Spike enters, followed by Buffy. She grimaces.





AFTERLIFE - VI Serie    Inglese


Dawn: You remember what Mom used to say? "Either wash that neck or plant potatoes." Yeah, I never thought it was funny, either.

Spike: You scared me half to death. Or more to death.

Spike: You-- I could kill you. I mean it. I could rip your head off one-handed and drink from your brainstem.

Dawn: She's been through a lot with the... death. But I think she's okay.

Buffy: How long was I gone?
Spike: 147 days yesterday. Uh, 148 today. Except today doesn't count, does it?

Spike: It's hard to get a good night's death around here.

Spike: I do remember what I said. The promise. To protect her. If I'd have done that, even if I didn't make it, you wouldn't have had to jump. But I want you to know I did save you. Not when it counted, of course, but after that. Every night after that. I'd see it all again, and do something different. Faster, or more clever, you know? Dozens of times, lots of different ways. Every night, I save you.

Spike: I was going to go inside, but I overheard you and the super-friends exchanging a special moment, and I came over a bit queasy. Say, aren't you leaving a hole in the middle of some soggy group hug?

Buffy: That's okay. I can be alone with you here.
Spike: Thanks ever so.

Spike: Well, I haven't been to a hell-dimension just of late, but I know a thing or two about torment.
Buffy: I was happy. Wherever I was, I was happy. At peace. I knew that everyone I cared about was all right. I knew it. Time didn't mean anything. Nothing had form, but I was still me, you know? And I was warm, and I was loved. And I was finished. Complete. I don't understand theology and dimensions... or any of it, really. But I think I was in heaven. And now I'm not. I was torn out of there, pulled out by my friends. Everything here is hard, and bright, and violent. Everything I feel, everything I touch... this is hell. Just getting through the next moment and the one after that. Knowing what I've lost... They can never know.




Cut to the basement. Buffy comes down the stairs still holding the box.

BUFFY: ...and over ... and over, and over.

She reaches the bottom of the stairs and turns to go around them, just as Spike emerges from underneath them.


Both jump in surprise, then sigh.

BUFFY: Bell. Neck. Look into it.
SPIKE: Come with a nice leather collar, does it?
BUFFY: What are you doing lurking down here?
SPIKE: (sighs) Came through the tunnels. (holds up a handful of vines) Running low on burba weed. Stir it in with the blood. Makes it all hot 'n spicy.

Buffy makes a very "ew" face, turns away to put the box down.

SPIKE: What? I was gonna pay for it.

Buffy gives him a skeptical look as she comes back toward him.

SPIKE: I mean, no. I was gonna nick it, 'cause that's what I do. (sighs) I go where I please and I take what I want, and what's your excuse anyway? (nods toward upstairs) I thought you'd had it to the brim with customer disservice.
BUFFY: One-time deal to help out. And I mean straight time. No loop-de-loop mummy hand repeat-o-vision.

Spike nods understanding. Buffy looks around, looks embarrassed.

BUFFY: Where's the mandrake root?

Spike looks around, moves toward a shelf covered with jars.

SPIKE: Um ... here. (takes down a jar) Only three to a jar. (gives her the jar) Tend to ... go a bit wonky if you cram them too close.
BUFFY: Thanks.
SPIKE: Feel like a bit of the rough and tumble?
BUFFY: (shocked) What?
SPIKE: Me ... you...

She stares at him, still shocked.

SPIKE: Patrolling? Hello?
BUFFY: Oh. Uh ... I ... should stay. Maybe tomorrow.

It's a little awkward. They both turn away, Buffy toward the stairs and Spike toward the direction he came from.

SPIKE: It's not like I don't already have plans. Great Pumpkin's on in twenty.

He turns and leaves. Buffy shakes her head.




Tabula Rasa    Inglese    VI Serie

BUFFY: Anything?
SPIKE: Not yet. I might pick up on it if you stop asking me about every two seconds.
BUFFY: Spike, if you're dragging this out...

Spike rolls his eyes and stops walking. Buffy walks around in front of him, turns to face him.

SPIKE: What, so I can linger near your precious self? Get a grip.
BUFFY: Like you've never drawn things out before.
SPIKE: Maybe, but we've been through this, haven't we? Things have changed.
BUFFY: Will you quit that? The only thing that's different is that I'm disgusted with myself. That's the power of your charms. Last night ... was the most perverse ... degrading experience of my life.
SPIKE: (smiles fondly) Yeah. Me too. (resumes walking)
BUFFY: (walks alongside him) That might be how you get off, but it's not my style.
SPIKE: (scoffs) No, it's your calling. Gave me a run for my money, Slayer.

They walk in silence for a moment.

SPIKE: Now, I admit it. You've had me by the short hairs. (softly) I love you. (glances at her) You know it. But I got my rocks back. You felt something last night.
BUFFY: Not love.
SPIKE: Not yet. But I'm in your system now. You're gonna crave me, like I crave blood. And the next time you come crawling, if you don't stop being such a bitch, maybe I will bite you.
BUFFY: (stares, stops walking) That, that's it! I want you out of my life! Out of my work, out of my home-
SPIKE: Too late for that. You invited me in already. (Buffy scowls) And as for your work, you need me. Like tonight.
BUFFY: I'll find Dawn myself.
SPIKE: (rolls eyes) You really gonna put your little sis in danger just to spite me?

Buffy glares.

SPIKE: Wait up!

He runs up to Buffy, grabs her arm. She turns, grabs his arm with her other hand, flips him over onto the ground. She kneels, straddling him and holding him down.

SPIKE: Bloody hell, what are you doing?
BUFFY: (staring at him, realizing) You don't know who you are.
SPIKE: Right, none of us do, and we're being chased by-
BUFFY: You're a vampire!
SPIKE: (shocked) How can you say - I, me, a vampire? No.
BUFFY: Check the lumpies. And the teeth.

Spike puts his hand up to his face, feels his forehead and teeth. Buffy sits up but remains straddling him. He lifts his head to look at her.

BUFFY: I kill your kind.
SPIKE: And I bite yours. (drops his hand from his face) So how come I don't wanna bite you? (Buffy frowns in confusion) And why am I fightin' other vampires?

Spike gets a look of revelation on his face, lifts himself up onto his elbows.

SPIKE: I must be a noble vampire. (Buffy looks dubious) A good guy. On a mission of redemption. I help the hopeless. (chuckles) I'm a vampire with a soul.
BUFFY: (frowning) A vampire with a soul? (beat) Oh my god, how lame is that?



Death Things    English    VI Serie

Open in Spike's crypt. Sound of thumping. Pan across the neatly made bed. Sound of
panting, more thumping. Sound of Buffy moaning. Pan across the various furniture in the
crypt, candles burning on many surfaces, magazines scattered across the floor. Banging
and moaning noises continue, sound of crashing and breaking. Pan across Spike's leather
jacket and red duster lying on the floor. Moaning noises trail off to heavy breathing.

Pan more and discover Buffy and Spike lying side-by-side on top of a pile of Oriental
rugs, with another rug strategically draped over their bodies.

BUFFY: (panting) Uh ... we missed the bed again.
SPIKE: (looks toward the bed) Lucky for the bed.

Buffy continues panting, lifts herself up on her elbows and looks at the rug covering her

BUFFY: Is this a new rug?
SPIKE: Mm...no. Just looks different when you're under it.

Buffy laughs a little, then looks around.

BUFFY: You know, this place is okay for a hole in the ground. You fixed it up.
SPIKE: Well, I ate a decorator once. Maybe something stuck.
BUFFY: I've been thinking about doing something to my room.
SPIKE: (moving closer to her) Yeah?
BUFFY: Yeah, I think the New Kids On The Block posters are starting to date me.
SPIKE: (chuckles) Well, if you want, I can...

Spike stops, looks at Buffy in surprise.

SPIKE: Are we having a conversation?
BUFFY: What? No! No. (pause) Maybe.
BUFFY: What?
SPIKE: Well, isn't this usually the part where you ... kick me in the head and run out,
virtue fluttering?
BUFFY: That's the plan ... (embarrassed) ...soon as my legs start working.

Spike grins, leans his forehead against Buffy's arm, then lifts his head and begins running
his finger up and down her arm.

SPIKE: (whispers) You were amazing.
BUFFY: (softly) You got the job done yourself.
SPIKE: I was just trying to keep up. The things you do ... (Buffy looks embarrassed.
Spike smirks) ...the way you make it hurt in all the wrong places. I've never been with
such an animal.

Buffy gives a little gasp, jerks her arm away. Spike looks surprised.

BUFFY: I'm not an animal.
SPIKE: You wanna see the bite marks?
BUFFY: You know, it's late, I-I should ... get home before Dawn goes to sleep.

Buffy starts looking around under the rug. Spike sighs and lies back.

SPIKE: And she's off.

Buffy disappears completely underneath the rug.

BUFFY: (muffled) Have you seen my underwear?
SPIKE: (sighs) What is this to you? This thing we have.
BUFFY: (muffled) We don't have a ... thing, we have ... this. (head reappears) That's all.

She pulls herself up on her elbows again. Spike does the same.

SPIKE: Do you even like me?

Beat. Buffy stares at Spike. He just waits.

BUFFY: (softly) Sometimes. (looks away)
SPIKE: But you like what I do to you.

Buffy still doesn't look at him.

After a moment Spike turns and reaches for something behind him.

Jingling noise. Buffy looks up, and her eyes widen.

Spike holds up a pair of handcuffs.

SPIKE: Do you trust me?
BUFFY: Never.



Smashed    English    VI Serie

BUFFY: Not too sweet for you either, huh? (mugger getting up) But come on, rush me. It'll be funny.

The second mugger gets up and is about to rush her when Spike comes into the shot yelling.

SPIKE: Yaah!

Spike punches the mugger and falls into a pile of boxes. Buffy lets go of the mugger she's holding and he runs off.

Spike rolls around in the pile of boxes clutching his head in pain. Boxes fall on top of him. The other mugger runs off too. Buffy watches them go and yells in frustration.

BUFFY: Gah! Oh!

Spike gets up, still holding his head.

BUFFY: What the hell are you doing?
SPIKE: I thought they were demons.
BUFFY: Way to go with the keen observiness, Jessica Fletcher.
SPIKE: (glares) Remind me not to help you.
BUFFY: *More* often?
SPIKE: Hey. Little sympathy for the man with the migraine here, can we?
BUFFY: Well, that's what you get for attacking a human.
SPIKE: Yeah. (annoyed) You'd think if the government was gonna put a chip in my head, they'd at least make it so I could attack criminals and that sort.
BUFFY: Yes, because muggers deserve to be eaten.

Spike gives her a sour look.

BUFFY: Just have to get your rocks off fightin' demons.
SPIKE: (suggestively) There are other ways.
BUFFY: And to that, an extreme 'see you later.'

She turns to go. Spike smirks, walks after her.

SPIKE: Buffy.

She stops, sighs, turns back.

BUFFY: Spike ... it's late, okay, can we just finish this another time?
SPIKE: (walks closer) Oh, so you wanna jump right to the kissing then, eh?
BUFFY: I am not kissing you, Spike. Once was-
SPIKE: Twice.
BUFFY: But not again.

She turns away again, begins walking.

SPIKE: You're a tease, you know that, Slayer? (Buffy rolls her eyes, continues walking) Get a fellow's motor revving, let the tension marinate a couple-a days, then bam! Crown yourself the ice queen.
BUFFY: (still walking away) Need a few more metaphors for that little mix?

She walks off. Spike stays where he is in the alley, yelling after her.

SPIKE: (yells) It's only a matter of time before you realize I'm the only one here for you, pet. You got no one else!

Cut to the Summers house, night. Willow opens the door of her bedroom, peeks out, goes back inside and closes the door. She goes over to the window, looks out.


BUFFY: (annoyed) Great.
SPIKE: Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up.
BUFFY: What are you doing here, Spike?
SPIKE: Well, you know, a man was frozen alive in there. A little compassion, luv.

Buffy rolls her eyes, starts to walk past him. Spike falls into step beside her.

SPIKE: Uh, you know, as long as we're both here, you might as well tag along. I mean, as a team we could-
BUFFY: Yeah, that never really ends well, does it?
SPIKE: It did the other night.
BUFFY: You really seem awfully fixated on a couple of kisses, Spike.

Spike pauses, so that she walks a few steps ahead of him.

SPIKE: And you seem awfully quick to forget about them.

Buffy stops walking, turns to him.

BUFFY: Look. I'm sorry, okay? I'm-I'm sorry if you thought that it meant more.
SPIKE: But...
BUFFY: But ... when I kissed you ... you know I was thinking about Giles, right?
SPIKE: You know, I always wondered about you two.
BUFFY: What? (makes a face) Oh, gross, Spike! (Spike frowns) He left. I was depressed. Ergo vulnerability and, and bad kissing decisions. (Spike still frowning) Okay, but, that's all that it was. You have to let it go.
SPIKE: (smirking) Did it work?
BUFFY: What?
SPIKE: You convince yourself?
BUFFY: (seriously) Please, stop.

She starts walking again. Spike follows.

SPIKE: A man can change.

She again stops walking and faces him.

BUFFY: You're not a man. You're a thing.

She turns away again. Spike frowns, grabs her shoulder.

SPIKE: Stop walking away.
BUFFY: Don't touch me!

As Spike turns her around she punches him with her other hand. He pulls back and backhands her. Buffy falls to the ground.

Spike looks surprised, puts his hand tentatively to his head with the beginning of a smile. Looks at Buffy, who is still getting to her feet and has her back to him.

SPIKE: Ahh, ahh, ohh! (grabs his head)

Buffy gets up, backhands Spike and he goes down. He gets up to a kneeling position with his back to Buffy and stays there, looking at the ground. She speaks to his back.

BUFFY: You're a thing. An evil, disgusting, thing.

She walks past him and away.

Spike lifts his head to watch her go. Slowly an evil grin spreads across his face.



BUFFY: Hello, Magic Box.

Cut to Spike standing at a pay phone.

SPIKE: (deep gruff voice) Slayer.
BUFFY: (frowns) Spike?
SPIKE: (deep voice) Meet me at the cemetery. Twenty minutes. Come alone.
BUFFY: (still frowning) Spike?
SPIKE: (rolls eyes, mutters) Bloody hell. (normal voice) Yes, it's me.
BUFFY: You're ... calling me on the phone?
SPIKE: Just be there.
BUFFY: Why? Are you ... helping again? (shot of Xander and Anya listening. Buffy speaks louder) You have a lead on this frost monster thingie?
SPIKE: (smirking) Something like that, yeah. Thought you might be up for a little grunt work.
BUFFY: (shocked) What?! No, (whispers) no-no grunting!
SPIKE: (grins) I was talking shop, luv, but if you got other ideas ... you, me, cozy little tomb with a view...


SPIKE: (angrily) Slayer.
BUFFY: And so my night is now complete.
SPIKE: You never showed.
BUFFY: (walks past him) Sorry. Little busy actually doing stuff.
SPIKE: (walks beside her) You shouldn't be so flip, luv.
BUFFY: What are you gonna do, walk behind me to death?
SPIKE: I'm just saying things might be a little different.

Spike walks around in front of her again. They stop walking.

SPIKE: You oughta be careful.
BUFFY: (shakes head) Enough.

She moves to walk around him, but he shifts to block her path.

BUFFY: (small puzzled smile) Get out of my way.
SPIKE: Or what?

Buffy shrugs, punches him in the face. Spike reels a little, catches himself, pauses. Then he hits her in the face, spinning her around. Buffy straightens up, turns back to him.

SPIKE: (mockingly) Oh, the pain! The pain! (grimly) Is gone.

Buffy stares.

SPIKE: Guess what I just found out. Looks like I'm not as toothless as you thought, sweetheart.
BUFFY: (alarmed) How?
SPIKE: Don't you get it? Don't you see? (sneering) You came back wrong.

Buffy stares in disbelief. Blackout.

Act IV

Open on the same scene. Buffy stalks forward angrily, punches Spike in the face. He staggers back but laughs. Buffy hits him again, kicks him, driving him farther down the alley. She goes to punch him but he grabs her arm and punches her with his other hand. Buffy stumbles into a fence, turns around. Spike gets up in her face.

BUFFY: It's a trick. You did something to the chip, it's a trick.
SPIKE: It's no trick. It's not me, it's you. Just you, in fact, that's the funny part. (punches her in the face) 'Cause you're the one that's changed. (punches again) That's why this doesn't hurt me.

He swings but Buffy blocks and shoves him back.

SPIKE: (grins) Came back a little less human than you were.
BUFFY: (shakes head) You're wrong.

She kicks him hard. He flies back into the opposite wall, but immediately bounces back and comes back over to her.

SPIKE: Then how come you're so spooked, luv? And why can I - (punches her) do that?

Buffy slowly looks back over at him, panting.

BUFFY: You're wrong.

She hits him again, even harder. He falls down, gets up, grinning. Buffy hits him again and he goes down again, gets up again. She pushes him backward into a doorway, follows him up the stairs, grabs him. They crash through the door into the building.

Cut to the Bronze. The two guys are still almost-naked and dancing against their will in the cages.


SPIKE: (grinning) Oh, poor little lost girl.

He jumps up, grabs the chandelier. Swings forward on it and kicks Buffy in the face with both his feet. She goes down.

SPIKE: (drops to the floor) She doesn't fit in anywhere. She's got no one to love.

He walks over to Buffy, who gets up, grabs him, throws him against the staircase leading upstairs, smashing the banister to bits. Buffy walks toward him.

BUFFY: Me? I'm lost? Look at you, you idiot! (Spike getting up) Poor Spikey. Can't be a human, can't be a vampire. Where the hell do you fit in?

Spike swings at her but she ducks, punches him in the stomach, grabs him and throws him across the room again. He smashes into the fireplace. Buffy walks toward him again.

BUFFY: Your job is to kill the slayer. But all you can do is follow me around making moon eyes.
SPIKE: I'm in love with you.
BUFFY: (still advancing) You're in love with pain. Admit it. (Spike gets up) You like me ... because you enjoy getting beat down. So really, who's screwed up?
SPIKE: Hello! Vampire!

He swings at her again, but she blocks and punches him. Spike grabs her, pulls her closer.

SPIKE: I'm supposed to be treading on the dark side.

He throws her against the wall. A big hole in the plaster where she hit. Spike goes over to her, throws her across the room again. She lands on her back. Spike stands over her, leans down, grabs her by the front lapels of her jacket.

SPIKE: What's your excuse?

Buffy puts her hand over his face, shoves him away. He flies backward, taking a chunk out of a wall. He staggers to his feet.

Buffy leaps at him and they fly back toward the staircase.

Cut to the Bronze. Willow and Amy still stand looking down. The music continues. Various people are floating around, bolts of magic randomly turning them into various costumes and such.


SPIKE: I wasn't planning on hurting you. (smirks) Much.
BUFFY: You haven't even come close to hurting me.
SPIKE: Afraid to give me the chance?

Buffy breaks his hold, throws him against a wall. Another big hole in the wall where he hits. Shot of cracks appearing in the wall.

Buffy grabs Spike and pushes him up against the wall.

SPIKE: You afraid I'm gonna-

Buffy shuts him up by kissing him. They kiss passionately. Buffy slams her hand into the wall, creating another hole, to get her arm around Spike's neck.

Shot of pieces of the ceiling separating from each other.

Buffy and Spike move away from the wall, still kissing. Spike slams Buffy up against another section of wall. Above their heads, cracks appear and widen, moving up toward the ceiling.

More kissing. Buffy shoves Spike away, follows him as he stumbles backward across the room. She pushes him again and continues following. Behind her, a huge piece of ceiling falls onto the spot where they were just standing.

Buffy shoves Spike up against another wall, resumes kissing him. He lifts her up against him with her legs around his waist.

Buffy reaches her hand down between their bodies. Sound of a zipper. More kissing.


Wrecked    English    VI Serie

BUFFY: (frowning) When ... (looks down at Spike) When did the building fall down?
SPIKE: (looks around, frowns) I don't know. (Buffy looking alarmed) Must have been sometime between the first time and the, uh...

He smirks. Buffy looks disgusted.

BUFFY: Oh. (wincing, whining) Oh my god.

Wolf howl, opening credits.

Guest starring Elizabeth Anne Allen, Jeff Kober, and Amber Benson as Tara. Written by Marti Noxon, directed by David Solomon.

Act I

Open on the abandoned building. Buffy is now wearing her white blouse and black leather skirt, and is putting on a shoe.

BUFFY: Shoe, need my shoe. (looking around)
SPIKE: What's the hurry, luv?

We see Spike still lying there naked with one hand behind his head looking very pleased with himself.

BUFFY: The hurry is I left Dawn all night. And don't call me love. (continues looking for shoe)
SPIKE: You didn't seem to take issue with that last night. (smirking) Or with any of the other little nasties we whispered.
BUFFY: (stands up) Can we not? Talk? (putting on her second shoe)
SPIKE: (sighs) I just don't see why you have to run off so quick. Thought we could- (waggling eyebrows)
BUFFY: Not gonna happen. Last night was the end of this freak show.

Buffy goes to walk past Spike but he reaches up and grabs her arm. She gives a little yelp of surprise. Spike pulls her down onto his lap. She struggles a bit.

SPIKE: Don't say that.
BUFFY: What did you think was gonna happen? What, we're gonna read the newspaper together, play footsie under the rubble?

Spike shifts her so that he's holding her with one arm. He puts his other hand up under Buffy's skirt. She makes an expression of pleasure.

SPIKE: (softly) Not exactly what I had in mind.

Buffy pushes his hand away, struggles against him.

BUFFY: Stop!
SPIKE: (grinning) Make me.
BUFFY: No! No!

She continues struggling for about another half second and then grabs his face and kisses him. She puts her arms around his neck and moans. They kiss for a moment.

BUFFY: (pulling back) No, no, I-I have to-
SPIKE: Stay. I'm stuck here. (looks upward) Sun's up.

Buffy looks at Spike for a moment, resumes kissing him. More moaning. Spike turns her around and lays her down on a conveniently placed pillow, lies on top of her. He moves down to kiss her neck. Buffy moans again. Spike lifts himself up to look at her.

SPIKE: I knew. I knew the only thing better than killing a slayer would be f-
BUFFY: What?!

Buffy shoves him away and gets up angrily, moves a few feet away. Spike remains sprawled on the floor.

BUFFY: Is that what this is about? Doing a slayer?
SPIKE: (smirking) Well, I wouldn't throw stones, pet. You seem to be quite the groupie yourself.
BUFFY: Shut up. (wiping her mouth with the back of her hand)
SPIKE: I'm just sayin' ... vampires get you hot.
BUFFY: *A* vampire got me hot. One. But he's gone. You're just...

Beat. Spike waits to see what she'll say.

BUFFY: You're just convenient.

Spike looks hurt. He stares at her. Buffy's lip trembles like she might cry.

Spike stands and begins putting on his pants.

SPIKE: (angrily) So, what now? You go back to treating me like dirt till the next time you get an itch you can't scratch? (Buffy just looks at him) Well, forget it. (fastening his belt) Last night changed things. I'm done being your whipping boy.
BUFFY: Nothing's changed. It was a mistake.
SPIKE: Bollocks! It was a bloody revelation.

Buffy still looks like she might cry.

SPIKE: (walks closer to her) You can act as high and mighty as you like ... but I know where you live now, Slayer. (softly) I've tasted it.

He leans in as if to kiss her but she pulls back.

BUFFY: Get a grip. Like you're god's gift.
SPIKE: (chuckling) Hardly. (stops smiling) Wouldn't be nearly as interesting, would it?

He leans in to kiss her again. Buffy pushes him away and starts to walk off, but he moves to intercept her.

BUFFY: No! Let me go!

Spike stops her, puts his arms on her shoulders and holds her still. Buffy glares at him.

SPIKE: I may be dirt ... but you're the one who likes to roll in it, Slayer. You never had it so good as me. Never.

Buffy pushes his arms off.

BUFFY: Uhh, you're bent. (moves past him to put on her jacket)
SPIKE: Yeah, and it made you scream, didn't it?
BUFFY: (very angrily) I swear to god, if you tell *anyone* about last night, I will kill you.
SPIKE: (skeptically) Right.

Spike reaches into the back pocket of his jeans and pulls something out.

SPIKE: You're gonna want these, too.

He holds up a pair of lacy white panties. Buffy scowls and punches him in the face. He staggers backward and goes down out of shot.


Beneath you    Inglese    VII Serie

SPIKE: Hello.

BUFFY: What the hell are you—?

SPIKE: It didn't work. Costume. Didn't help. Couldn't hide.

BUFFY: No more mind games, Spike.

SPIKE: No more mind games. No more mind.

BUFFY: Tell me what happened to you.

SPIKE: Hey, hey, hey! No touching. Am I flesh? Am I flesh to you? Feed on flesh. My flesh. Nothing else. Not a spark. (nods) Oh, fine. Flesh then. Solid through. (starts unzipping his pants) Get it hard; service the girl.

BUFFY: Stop it!

SPIKE: Right. Girl doesn't want to be serviced. Because there's no spark. Ain't we in a soddin' engine?

BUFFY: Spike, have you completely lost your mind?

SPIKE: (lucidly) Well, yes. Where've you been all night?

BUFFY: You thought you would just come back here and... be with me?

SPIKE: First time for everything.

BUFFY: This is all you get. I'm listening. Tell me what happened.

SPIKE: I tried to find it, of course.

BUFFY: Find what?

SPIKE: The spark. The missing... the piece that fit. That would make me fit. Because you didn't want... (starts to cry) God, I can't... Not with you looking.

SPIKE: I dreamed of killing you.

SPIKE: I think they were dreams. So weak. Did you make me weak, thinking of you, holding myself, and spilling useless buckets of salt over your... ending? Angel—he should've warned me. He makes a good show of forgetting, but it's here, in me, all the time. (walks around toward her from behind) The spark. I wanted to give you what you deserve, and I got it. They put the spark in me and now all it does is burn.

BUFFY: Your soul.

SPIKE: (laughs) Bit worse for lack of use.

BUFFY: You got your soul back. How?

SPIKE: It's what you wanted, right? (looking at the ceiling) It's what you wanted, right? (presses his fingers to his temples, looks down, and walks toward the altar). And—and now everybody's in here, talking. Everything I did...everyone I— and him... and it... the other, the thing beneath—beneath you. It's here too. Everybody. They all just tell me go... go... (looks back over his shoulder to Buffy) to hell.

BUFFY: Why? Why would you do that—

SPIKE: Buffy, ashamed on you. Why does a man do what he mustn't? For her. To be hers. To be the kind of man who would nev— (looks away) to be a kind of man.

SPIKE: She shall look on him with forgiveness, and everybody will forgive and love. He will be loved.

SPIKE: So everything's OK, right? (sighs)

SPIKE: Can—can we rest now? Buffy...can we rest?



Open on exterior of the Summers house, night. Buffy walks up the walkway holding her
paper bag, sighing.

She pauses right before the stairs.

BUFFY: Oh, for pete's sake. Spike?

She turns. Spike appears from behind a nearby tree.

SPIKE: Ah, it's a fair cop, you caught me, Slayer. However, in all honesty, I think we
have to say this one doesn't count. After all, I wasn't exactly hiding. (walks toward her)
BUFFY: No, Spike.
SPIKE: No? What kind of answer is that, you haven't even heard the question yet.
BUFFY: I don't have to. We both know what you're thinking.
SPIKE: (grins) And we both know ... that I'm not the only one thinking it.

He puts his hand out as if to grab her coat collar, and leans in as if to kiss her.

Buffy slaps his hand away.

BUFFY: No! Not here.
SPIKE: Why not? (pouting)
BUFFY: Dawn. (looks toward the house) She's inside waiting for dinner, she's counting
on me. I'm not letting her down by letting you in.
SPIKE: So it's the fear of getting caught, then, is it?
BUFFY: Reason number one on a very long list. (turns to go)
SPIKE: Needn't be an obstacle.

He takes her hand and pulls her toward the tree. Longer shot of the two of them moving
along the side of the building.

BUFFY: (sighs) Spike, I mean it. Come on.
SPIKE: I hear you're serious. So am I. I want you ... you want me...

Cut to a closer shot as Buffy has her back up against the tree and Spike is right in her

SPIKE: ...I can't go inside, so ... maybe the time is right ... for you to come outside.

Buffy sighs, looks at the house, then back at Spike. He slowly leans in to kiss her.

Cut to a long shot again. They kiss, Buffy drops the paper bag on the ground, and Spike
pulls her around so that the tree obscures them from our view.

Cut to inside. Buffy comes into the kitchen, holding the paper bag and putting her other
hand to her forehead. She stops and looks surprised.


Buffy walks off in the other direction.

Cut to Spike's crypt. Spike sits on top of a coffin reading a book. The coffin is made up as
a couch, has a blanket covering it and a throw-pillow on it. Sound of the door slamming
open. Buffy strides in.

SPIKE: Buffy. Hey now. (puts the book down, stands) If I'd-a known you were coming,
I'd-a baked a cake.

Buffy walks over to stand in front of him, pulling off her black gloves.

BUFFY: I need information.
SPIKE: Well, suppose I could be helpful. If the price is right. (Buffy putting gloves
down) I'm not sure I'm selling out at Double Meat Palace wages, though.
BUFFY: I need to find a guy. Dealer. Calls himself The Doctor.
SPIKE: Human?
BUFFY: His traffic isn't.
SPIKE: Clock ticking?
BUFFY: Whatever he's doing, he's doing it soon.
SPIKE: (looking her up and down) Soon but not now?

Beat. Buffy just looks at him.

BUFFY: (quietly) Tell me you love me.
SPIKE: (surprised) I love you. You know I do.

She takes a couple of steps closer.

BUFFY: Tell me you want me.
SPIKE: (whispers) I always want you. In point of fact-
BUFFY: Shut up.

Buffy moves as if to kiss him, but instead she hooks her hand around his neck and pulls
him down onto the coffin-couch.

Buffy lies down on her back with Spike on top of her. She begins unbuttoning his shirt.
Spike pulls at the fastenings on Buffy's bulletproof vest. She stares at his face, pushes the
partially unbuttoned shirt down on his shoulders, then uses it to pull him down for a kiss.

Fade to later. Buffy and Spike lie on the crypt sleeping with some blankets covering
them, not touching each other. One of Buffy's bare legs is exposed.

Sound of the door bursting open again. Spike stirs, lifts his head to look. Buffy looks too,
gasps and sits up, holding a blanket over her breasts, pulling it over to cover her bare leg.
Spike chuckles, props himself up on his elbows.

SPIKE: Well, looky here. I don't usually use the word delicious...

Shot of Riley standing there looking at them, large gun in hand.

SPIKE: ...but I've gotta wager this little tableau must sting a bit, eh? Me and your former?
Must kill. What can I say? Girl just needs a little monster in her man.

Buffy stares at the ground looking upset.

RILEY: That's not why I'm here ... Doctor.

Buffy looks shocked, turns to stare at Spike, then back to stare at Riley.


Act IV

Same scene. Buffy looks from one man to the other, still holding the blanket against her

BUFFY: Oh god.

She gets up. Spike sighs.

SPIKE: Here I thought we'd run you out of town, mate.

Buffy crouches down, scooping up her clothing, scowling at Spike. She goes off
somewhere to get dressed.

SPIKE: Last time I saw you, if memory serves, you were getting the juice sucked out of
you by some undead ladies of very questionable reputation.

Spike sits up on the coffin, naked with his knees pulled up and open. Riley averts his

SPIKE: Now, be a good tin soldier and, uh... (makes a "go-away" gesture)
RILEY: Where are they ... Doctor?
SPIKE: Where are what, and why do you keep calling me that? (begins putting on pants)
RILEY: Glad to be back in Sunnydale. The locals all speak English, and I know who to
beat for information. It's all brought me here.
SPIKE: Look, crew cut. (fastening his belt) She's not your bint any more. And if I can
speak frankly, she always had a little thing for me, even when she was shagging you.
RILEY: Nice. That's very distracting. (walks closer) Now tell me, before I get
unprofessional... (pointing his gun at Spike) ...where are the eggs, Spike?
SPIKE: Eggs? (scoffs) You're off your nut. It must be those drugs they were keeping you
on. I did warn you.
RILEY: Okay. We can do this the hard way, or we can do this the fatal way.

Riley punches Spike in the face, just as Buffy reappears, fully dressed.

RILEY: Where are the eggs?
BUFFY: Look, the Doctor, it can't be Spike.
SPIKE: No need to defend me, luv.

Buffy punches him in the face as well.

BUFFY: Look, i-it can't be, okay? He-he's too incompetent. (Spike glaring at her) It's just
Spike, Riley.
RILEY: Right. Deadly ... amoral ... (Spike smirking) opportunistic. (quietly) Or have you

Buffy glares, but has no answer to that. She turns away.

RILEY: I'm taking this place apart until I find that nest.
SPIKE: Over my dead body.
RILEY: I've seen enough of your dead body for one night, thanks.

Riley uses the barrel of his shotgun to shove Spike aside. As he passes, Spike grabs his

SPIKE: Well, you're not gonna-

Riley shoves him back. Spike stumbles back against a pillar. Riley starts down the ladder
to the underground part of the crypt.

RILEY: (OS) You coming?

Buffy looks up, looks at Spike. He stares back at her. She follows Riley.

SPIKE: (angry) Oh, this is ... unconstitutional, is what it is! (grabbing a shirt, putting it
on) Here!

Cut to below. Riley and Buffy reach the ground.

SPIKE: (OS) There's nothin' to see down there!

Buffy hurries after Riley as he moves through the underground rooms.

BUFFY: Riley, look, I'm not saying that he's good, okay, I'm just saying that he's not
capable of something as-

She stops as they round a corner and come upon the demon eggs.

The eggs are about the size of beach-balls but brownish-grey and scaly. There are at least
ten, possibly more.

Riley cocks his gun.

Closer shot of the eggs, surrounded by yellowish goo the same color as the demon's

Spike runs in, wearing the shirt (unbuttoned).

SPIKE: I can explain.
RILEY: We're gonna need more weapons. Spike screwed up. You didn't keep 'em frozen,
did you ... Doctor?
SPIKE: You can stop calling me that any time. If I may, the thing of it is, I'm holding
these for a friend, who-

Buffy punches him in the nose again. He falls down on his butt, his nose bloody.

BUFFY: No more games.

Spike gets to his feet, angry.

SPIKE: Well, that's bloody funny coming from you! No more games? (Buffy rolling her
eyes) That's all you've ever done is play me. You keep playing with rules you make up as
you like. You know what I am. You've always known. You come to me all the same.
RILEY: Can you shut him up?
BUFFY: Not so far.

Spike exits.

RILEY: You better get outta here.

Buffy backs away. Riley stands staring at the eggs.

Suddenly one of the eggs bursts open and a baby demon pops out, screeching. It looks a
bit like a crab or a very large cockroach.

RILEY: On second thought, stick around.

Riley tosses his gun to Buffy and pulls out the taser. More baby demons pop out of the
eggs and move toward them, fast. Riley and Buffy back away.

BUFFY: Riley, I-
RILEY: Aim high, plenty of lead.
BUFFY: I'm not exactly gun girl.
RILEY: You wanna live, learn fast.

Buffy fires the gun randomly. It hits a stack of LP records, shattering them. Another shot
hits a pillow on the bed; feathers fly. A third shot destroys a lamp.

BUFFY: These things? (uses the gun to club a demon as it flies at her) Never useful.

She tosses the gun away. She and Riley look around.

Several of the babies are scurrying across the ceiling.

RILEY: We have to pull out.

One demon falls onto Riley's shoulder. He grabs at it, pries it off. He and Buffy begin to
run for the exit. The baby demons pursue.

Buffy looks around. The baby demons are crawling across every bit of ceiling and wall.
She runs for the ladder.

Cut to above. Buffy emerges as Riley is lying on the floor just next to the opening to

RILEY: We need a way to contain these things-
BUFFY: Riley!

Buffy grabs Riley's belt, detaches it. There are several grenades on it. She pulls the pin on
one, and drops the entire belt down into the hole.

RILEY: Get down!

Buffy lies down on top of Riley, shielding him.

Shot of the belt lying by the base of the ladder as the baby demons move around and past

Wide shot of the underground part of the crypt as the grenades go off. Fire bursts across
the cavern and engulfs the eggs.

Wide shot of the above as a fireball shoots up from the opening, while Buffy and Riley
lie on the floor cringing.

The fire subsides and Buffy lifts her head. She and Riley are both panting. She lies fully
on top of him.
ANYA VOICEOVER: You know, if you love Riley Finn so much, maybe you should
just marry him.

Cut to close shot of Xander.

XANDER: He's taken. And that's not the point.

Cut to wider shot. We see Xander sitting on the edge of the bathtub and Anya sitting
beside him on the closed toilet. Faint sounds of angry voices in background.

ANYA: So you think that their marriage is better than ours, is that it?
XANDER: No! But granted, I have a hard time imagining Nick and Nora Fury hiding out
from their own relatives in the bathroom.

Sound of crashing and banging from outside. They both look toward the door in alarm.

XANDER: (sighs) And I have no idea what Riley and Mrs. Riley's wedding was like.
ANYA: Well, you haven't shut up about them.
XANDER: Well, they have a great marriage! And it bummed Buffy out, but I can see it.
And Anya ... I really have no clue what their wedding was like.
ANYA: So our wedding... (Xander nodding) ...is not our marriage. (smiles)
XANDER: Separate things. One fills me with a dread akin to public speaking
ANYA: And that would be the wedding.
XANDER: Which will be over soon.
ANYA: But our marriage...
XANDER: That lasts forever.

Anya smiles, looking relieved.

ANYA: Ah, well. That works out nicely, then.

She leans over to kiss Xander. Another loud crash from the apartment. They both listen,
looking unperturbed.

Cut to: exterior of the magic shop, night. Buffy and Riley emerge onto the street, walk
along the sidewalk.

BUFFY: So, are you and Sam headed back to Central America? Or, is that classified?
RILEY: Nepal.
BUFFY: Sounds fun.
RILEY: I'll send you a postcard.

They both stop walking and speak at the same time.

RILEY: Buffy-
BUFFY: Riley-
RILEY: By mission parameters I'm done here. But I have authorization to take the Doctor
out. (pause) Do you want me to do that?
BUFFY: (shocked) Do I want you to... (looks away) How can you ask me ... I'm sleeping
with hi-him. (carefully) I'm sleeping with Spike.
RILEY: I had actually noticed that.
BUFFY: And then you come back ... and did you wait until your life was absolutely
perfect and then send that demon here so you could throw it in my face?
RILEY: Look ... you think this was easy for me?
BUFFY: Yeah! I think it was a rollicking adventure, fun for the whole family.
RILEY: I was terrified about seeing you again.
BUFFY: Well, I'm sure my incredible patheticness softened the blow for you.

Riley looks annoyed, fidgets a bit.

RILEY: I don't know what you're talking about.
BUFFY: Riley, please don't patronize-
RILEY: Hey! You want me to say that I liked seeing you in bed with that idiot? Or that
blinding orange is your very best color? Or that that ... burger smell is appealing?
BUFFY: (upset) You smelled the smell?
RILEY: Buffy, none of that means anything. It doesn't touch you. You're still the first
woman I ever loved ... and the strongest woman I've ever known. And I'm not advertising
this to the missus ... but you're still quite the hottie.
BUFFY: You know, it goes away after many bathings.
RILEY: (laughs) This isn't about who's on top. I know how lucky I am right now. I love
my work, and I love my wife.
BUFFY: I know. And I kinda love her too.
RILEY: So you're not in the greatest place right now. And maybe I made it worse.
RILEY: Wheel never stops turning, Buffy. You're up, you're down ... it doesn't change
what you are. And you are a hell of a woman.
BUFFY: (deep breath) Riley, that night... (Riley just looking at her) I never got the
chance ... to tell you ... how sorry I was. About what happened between us.
RILEY: And you never have to.


SPIKE: Hello.

BUFFY: What the hell are you—?

Spike is bare-chested, holding his shirt out to her.

SPIKE: It didn't work. Costume. Didn't help. Couldn't hide.

BUFFY: No more mind games, Spike.

Spike is looking down at the ground even though he is standing right in front of her.

SPIKE: No more mind games. No more mind.

Buffy reaches for his chest, where the scars seen in episode 7x01 "Lessons" are healing.

BUFFY: Tell me what happened to you.

Spike flinches, recoils violently, and looks her into her eyes.

SPIKE: Hey, hey, hey! No touching. Am I flesh? Am I flesh to you? Feed on flesh. My flesh. Nothing else. Not a spark. (nods) Oh, fine. Flesh then. Solid through. (starts unzipping his pants) Get it hard; service the girl.

Buffy is disgusted and smacks his hands away from his pants.

BUFFY: Stop it!

Spike reflexively reaches up and grabs her by the throat. Buffy grabs his shoulder and throws him across the room. Spike lands on top of some pews, breaking them into pieces. He sits up a little, propped on his elbows behind him.

SPIKE: Right. Girl doesn't want to be serviced. Because there's no spark. Ain't we in a soddin' engine?

Spike's looking around the room. Buffy walks over to him.

BUFFY: Spike, have you completely lost your mind?

SPIKE: (lucidly) Well, yes. Where've you been all night?

BUFFY: You thought you would just come back here and... be with me?

SPIKE: First time for everything.

BUFFY: This is all you get. I'm listening. Tell me what happened.

SPIKE: I tried to find it, of course.

BUFFY: Find what?

SPIKE: The spark. The missing... the piece that fit. That would make me fit. Because you didn't want... (starts to cry) God, I can't... Not with you looking.

Spike stands and walks away to a nearby window. He stands there, mostly in shadow, his body directed away from her. He looks back over his shoulder at her.

SPIKE: I dreamed of killing you.

Keeping an eye on him, Buffy bends down to pick up a large splinter from the broken pews at her feet to use as a stake, if necessary. Spike starts pacing.

SPIKE: I think they were dreams. So weak. Did you make me weak, thinking of you, holding myself, and spilling useless buckets of salt over your... ending? Angel—he should've warned me. He makes a good show of forgetting, but it's here, in me, all the time. (walks around toward her from behind) The spark. I wanted to give you what you deserve, and I got it. They put the spark in me and now all it does is burn.

Buffy's face shows shock, disbelief and, finally, comprehension.

BUFFY: Your soul.

SPIKE: (laughs) Bit worse for lack of use.

Buffy turns to face him.

BUFFY: You got your soul back. How?

SPIKE: It's what you wanted, right? (looking at the ceiling) It's what you wanted, right? (presses his fingers to his temples, looks down, and walks toward the altar). And—and now everybody's in here, talking. Everything I did...everyone I— and him... and it... the other, the thing beneath—beneath you. It's here too. Everybody. They all just tell me go... go... (looks back over his shoulder to Buffy) to hell.

BUFFY: Why? Why would you do that—

SPIKE: Buffy, shame on you. Why does a man do what he mustn't? For her. To be hers. To be the kind of man who would nev— (looks away) to be a kind of man.

Spike walks toward the 6-foot-tall crucifix altarpiece at the front of the chapel. Sounds like he's quoting something.

SPIKE: She shall look on him with forgiveness, and everybody will forgive and love. He will be loved.

Spike's standing only a foot away from the crucifix, staring at it.

SPIKE: So everything's OK, right? (sighs)

Spike embraces the crucifix, resting one arm over each side of the cross bar, and resting his head in the corner of the vertex. His body is sizzling and smoke is rising from where it touches the cross.

SPIKE: Can—can we rest now? Buffy...can we rest?

A close-up of Buffy's face shows that she is crying now. From where she stands, Spike's exhausted body hanging limply on the cross resembles Jesus (except the view is of Spike's back).


Spike is sitting on the floor with his back to a chain link fence that's separating one area from another. He seems rather substantially more coherent and mentally stable than he's seemed recently, and definitely more sound than he's ever seemed in the basement.

SPIKE: I don't trust what I see anymore. I don't know how to explain it, exactly. It's like I've been seeing things. (pan over to show he's talking to Buffy) Dru used to see things, you know? She'd always be staring up at the sky watching cherubs burn or the heavens bleed or some nonsense. I used to stare at her and think she'd gone completely sack of hammers. But she'd see the sky when we were inside and it'd make her so happy. She'd see showers. She'd see stars. Now I see her.

Buffy's wearing a white shirt and an open, non-judgmental face.

BUFFY: (compassionate and patient) Spike.

SPIKE: I'm in trouble, Buffy.

BUFFY: I can help you.

SPIKE: I could never ask. Not after...

BUFFY: It's different. You're different.

SPIKE: I could never ask.

BUFFY: Spike, it's me. It's you and it's me, and we'll get through this.

SPIKE: Never...

Spike's nervously got his hand behind his ear, and Buffy reached to hold his hand.

BUFFY: We'll get through this.

Pan over to show someone is coming. It's Buffy, wearing a black shirt and a scowl. Spike is still sitting huddled on the floor. Alone. He seems crazy again now.

BUFFY: Spike. (he looks up, surprised) This basement is killing you. This is the hellmouth. There is something bad down here, possibly everything bad.

SPIKE: (laughs) Can't hear you. Can't hear you.

BUFFY: You have a soul? Fine. Show me.

SPIKE: Scream montresor all you like, pet.

BUFFY: Get up and get out of this basement.

SPIKE: I don't have anywhere else to go.




BUFFY: No, mm-mmm. There's something. I-I can feel it. He's different. He's changed. And, if it is an act, then the Oscar goes to...

Spike comes in the front door, and Buffy and Xander both stare at him. He stops in his tracks.

SPIKE: Well, this can't be good. You here at this hour. There trouble?

BUFFY: No, no trouble. I was just— Uh, we were just—

SPIKE: (nods) Right. (shuts door) None of my business. No worries. (starts walking to his room)

BUFFY: (walks up to him) Spike, I— How was your night?

SPIKE: 'S all right. And yours? Did you, uh, bag any baddies?

BUFFY: One. Vampire. Uh, someone I used to know, actually, a little. Holden. Holden Webster.

SPIKE: You knew him, huh? (walks closer to her) That must've been a picnic.

BUFFY: Yeah.

SPIKE: Well, I'm gonna turn in before I drop. (goes to his room) G'night. (closes door behind him)

XANDER: (stands) You see that? You see how he reacted when you mentioned Webs? Cool as Cool Whip. What's up with that?

BUFFY: The sun's coming up. I need to get home and check on Dawn. We need to keep an eye on Spike.


BUFFY: Did you kill her?

SPIKE: What?

BUFFY: The girl. Last night.

SPIKE: What girl? (turns on light) What are you talking about?

BUFFY: I caught the first act. I missed the curtain call. Did you kill her? Did you turn her? Is she one of your kind now?

SPIKE: Did-did you—are you following me?

BUFFY: Answer the question. Where is she?

SPIKE: (stands) Who knows? I talked to her is all.

BUFFY: Really. (crosses arms) Looked like more than talking to me.

SPIKE: Well, I certainly didn't off her. Where are you getting this? (grabs a shirt) You know I can't.

BUFFY: Right. The chip.

SPIKE: (incensed) No, not the chip! Not the chip, dammit. You honestly think I'd go to the end of the underworld and back to get my soul and then— (sighs, shakes head) Buffy, I can barely live with what I did. It haunts me. All of it. If you think that I would add to the body count now, you are crazy.

BUFFY: So, what—you just troll the Promenade looking for drunk co-eds cause you're hungry for conversation?

SPIKE: (laughs) Oh, is that what this is? Right.

BUFFY: What?

SPIKE: You're jealous!

BUFFY: Don't play games. Not now.

SPIKE: (puts on shirt) Yeah, you saw me chatting up another bird, giving the eye to somebody else. Touched a nerve, didn't it?

BUFFY: Don't flatter yourself.

SPIKE: It burns, huh? But you can't admit it, so you trump up some charge about me being back on the juice.

BUFFY: This vampire I killed told me—

SPIKE: Told you what? That I go out? Yeah, I talk to people. Women. Talk to them 'cause I can't talk to you.

BUFFY: Oh, Spike, save it.

SPIKE: As daft a notion as "Soulful Spike the Killer" is, it is nothing compared to the idea that another girl could mean anything to me. This chip—they did to me. I couldn't help it. But the soul, I got on my own—for you.

BUFFY: I know.

SPIKE: So, yeah. I go and pass the time... with someone. But that's all it is is time, 'cause—God, help me, Buffy—it's still all about you.

BUFFY: Spike, this vampire told me you sired him.

SPIKE: That doesn't mean—

BUFFY: He said you killed him. Dumped him in a parking lot somewhere.

SPIKE: And you believe him? Vampires aren't—

BUFFY: I did follow you last night, and you know what? You didn't look lonely or casual to me. You looked like you were on the prowl.

SPIKE: You can't know that.

BUFFY: So, then, tell me. Tell me what happened. You talked to her, then what?

SPIKE: We talked. That's all I remember.

BUFFY: All you remember?

SPIKE: I don't know. I go out. I talk to people or I don't. It's boring. It all bleeds together.

BUFFY: Well, if you seem to forget that much, then

SPIKE: Not that. The taste of human blood. That, I'd remember.

BUFFY: You were camped out on the hell mouth talking to invisible people. Recently. How can you be sure of—

SPIKE: No! You are wrong. You've got an accusation from a pile of dust and not a shred of proof.

BUFFY: So, I'll get some. (leaves the room)


SPIKE: (to phone) Hello? It's me. I'm seeing— I think I'm remembering. I think I've done some very bad things.

BUFFY: (on cell phone) Where are you?

SPIKE: I need—I need to see you. There's a house. 634 Hoffman Terrace.

BUFFY: I'll meet you.

Buffy and Spike hang up their phones. When Spike turns around, there's another Spike standing there, talking to him.

SPIKE-2: You shouldn't have done that. It's not time yet. Not nearly. You're going against the plan, but we can make it work.

Spike looks scared and confused.

Fade to black.


This is an enormous brick Tudor style home. Spike's walking into the basement, followed by Buffy.

SPIKE: Down here. (Buffy hesitates at the top of the stairs) You won't come down? I understand. It's a risky proposition.

SPIKE-2: (blocking Spike's way) There's an order. The slayer's not in order. But it can't hurt to play. Get your claws in the mouse, you know?

SPIKE: You are not here.

(comes down the stairs) All right. What do you want to show me?

SPIKE: I've been remembering. The girl. I walked her home. The one you saw. And the one before that. And I think I killed her. And I think I—I think I killed the lady who lived here. And there might be others.

BUFFY: Oh, my God.

SPIKE: (walks to center of the room, Buffy follows) Here. I-I think I buried them here.

BUFFY: Spike, why?

SPIKE: Well, I don't know, do I? I don't even know how. Shouldn't be able—

Spike-2 seems to be visible only to Spike. He's pacing in the background, and starts to sing the same song Spike was humming at the beginning of the episode and that the harmonica guy played.

SPIKE-2: (singing) Early one morning, just as the sun was rising, I heard the fair maid sing in the valley down below. Oh, don't deceive me. Oh never leave me. (sits on stairs) How could you use a poor maid so?

As Spike-2 sings, Spike is distracted, mesmerized by the song, unable to respond to Buffy, who's trying to get his attention.

BUFFY: What? What is it? Spike!

Spike vamps out and attacks Buffy. She had a stake pointed at him, but he wrenches it out of her hand and throws it away behind him, shattering nearby bottles. Buffy throws him across the room.

BUFFY: What are you doing?

He grabs a shard of glass and swings it at her, cutting her shoulder.


Buffy fights with him, and pushes him to the ground.

BUFFY: Spike, listen to me, you don't want to do this. (he pushes her away)

SPIKE-2: And it's just about to get fun.

Vampires start rising from the basement floor, coming for Buffy.

BUFFY: Oh, God!

Buffy fights the vampires, who have taken tools from the basement to fight her with. Spike-2 is talking to Spike.

SPIKE-2: You know what I want you to do.

Buffy continues to fight the vampires, but they manage to get a hold on her, one on each arm, holding her up for Spike.

SPIKE-2: They're waiting for you. Take her, taste her, make her weak.

Spike stands, and walks toward Buffy menacingly.

BUFFY: Spike, no!

Spike puts his face near hers, on each side of her neck, but opts to suck from her open shoulder wound he created earlier by cutting her with the glass. As he mouths her, he flashes back to all the things he's done—killing, burying, and all the rest.

SPIKE: (in human face) I remember.

Spike's horrified. His face is one of complete shock and disbelief that he could have actually done those things. He recoils from Buffy, staggering back to the far end of the room. Buffy fights her way free of the vampires' grip. She uses the wooden handle of a garden tool to stake the vampires. Meanwhile, Spike's hiding in a cubbyhole at the back end of the basement, covering his head with his hands. Spike-2 is crouched near him, talking to him.

SPIKE-2: You failed them. Now she's gonna kill you. You lose, mate.

An elderly vampire is having difficulty rising from the grave, only able to get her hand out of the dirt. Buffy grabs her hand, pulls her up, and stakes her.

BUFFY: Sorry, ma'am, but it's my job.

Buffy walks over to Spike, still carrying the wooden handle. She stands in front of him. He looks at her, knowing his fate, and scoots out of the cubbyhole he was hiding in. He holds open his shirt. He's crying.

SPIKE: Do it fast, OK? He said you'd do it.

BUFFY: Who said?

SPIKE: Me. It was me. I saw it. I was here the whole time, talking and singing. (sobs) There was a song.

BUFFY: What are you talking about?

SPIKE: I don't know. Please, I don't remember. Don't make me remember. (to invisible person) Make it so I forget again! I did what you wanted!

BUFFY: There's something here. (throws away the wooden tool handle)

SPIKE: Oh, God, no, please. I need that. I can't cry the soul out of me. It won't come. I killed, and I can feel 'em. I can feel every one of them.

BUFFY: There's something playing with us. All of us.

SPIKE: What is it? Why is it doing this to me?

BUFFY: I don't know.

SPIKE: Will you... Help me. Can you help me?

BUFFY: I'll help you.



BUFFY: Better? (Spike nods) Good. (Buffy sits on edge of bed)

SPIKE: I don't remember anything.

BUFFY: Well, you were having pretty bad withdrawal.

SPIKE: No, not that. I don't remember... what I did. (sighs)

BUFFY: Nothing?

SPIKE: It's all flashes here and there. It's like I'm watching someone else...do it, kill people. I've been losing time for a while now, waking up in strange places.

BUFFY: When did your chip stop working?

SPIKE: I wasn't aware that it had, you know. Not 'til now.

BUFFY: And the losing time? How long has that been going on?

SPIKE: Oh, things have been wonky since I got back, ever since—

BUFFY: You got your soul.

SPIKE: (chuckles) Figured that's what it was like, it'd been so long since I had one.

BUFFY: How did you do it? How'd you get your soul back?

SPIKE: Saw a man about a girl. (sighs) I went to seek a legend out. Traveled to the other side of the world, made a deal with a demon.

BUFFY: Just like that?

SPIKE: No, not just like that. There was a price. There were trials, torture, pain and suffering... of sorts.

BUFFY: Of sorts?

SPIKE: Well, it's all relative, isn't it?

BUFFY: Meaning?

SPIKE: Meaning I have come to redefine the words pain and suffering since I fell in love with you.

BUFFY: (sighs) How can you say that?

SPIKE: Apparently, I just slaughtered half of Sunnydale, pet. I'm not really worried about being polite anymore.

BUFFY: (nods) So, that's what this is about. (stands, crosses arms) You feeling sorry for yourself, Spike?

SPIKE: I'm feeling honest with myself. You used me.


SPIKE: You told me that, of course. I never understood it though. Not until now. You hated yourself, and you took it out on me.

BUFFY: You figured that out just now?

SPIKE: Soul's not all about moonbeams and pennywhistles, luv. It's about self-loathing. I get it. Had to travel 'round the world, but I understand you now. I understand the violence inside.

BUFFY: Violence? William the Bloody now has insight into violence?

SPIKE: Not the same. As bad as I was, as evil and as wretched as I was, I never truly hated myself back then. Not like I do now.


SPIKE: (wakes) Did I hurt anybody?

BUFFY: You took a good bite out of Andrew.


BUFFY: Tucker's brother.


BUFFY: He'll be OK.

SPIKE: I don't remember.

BUFFY: It's OK. (stands, walks to sink)

SPIKE: Buffy, I don't know why.

BUFFY: (sighs) We think we do. Something's playing you. Some ghost or demon has figured out how to control you. Got the gang researching it right now. (Spike pulls himself up into sitting position using the chains) Xander has this theory that you're being triggered.

SPIKE: Kill me.

BUFFY: (turns to face him) What?

SPIKE: Buffy, you have to kill me.

BUFFY: You don't understand. When I left the room earlier, I heard you talking to someone—

SPIKE: Do you have any idea what I'm capable of?

BUFFY: I was in the cellar with you. I saw what you did.

SPIKE: I'm not talking about the cellar. The people in the cellar got off easy. I'm talking about me. Buffy, you have never met the real me.

BUFFY: (crosses arms) Believe me, I'm well aware of what you're capable of.

SPIKE: No, you got off easy too. (stands) Do you know how much blood you can drink from a girl before she'll die? I do. You see, the trick is to drink just enough to know how to damage them just enough so that they'll still cry when you— (chokes up) 'cause it's not worth it if they don't cry.

BUFFY: It's not your fault. You're not the one doing this.

SPIKE: I already did it. It's already done. (paces, then steps purposefully toward Buffy) You wanna know what I've done to girls Dawn's age? (beat) This is me Buffy. You've got to kill me before I get out.

BUFFY: We can keep you locked up. Keep you here and we'll figure out—

SPIKE: Have you ever really asked yourself why you can't do it? Off me? After everything I've done to you, to people around you. It's not love. We both know that.

BUFFY: You fought by my side. You've saved lives. You've helped—

SPIKE: Don't do that. (rolls eyes) Don't rationalize this into some noble act. We both know the truth of it. (looks down and away) You like men who hurt you.


SPIKE: (looks at Buffy) You need the pain we cause you. You need the hate. You need it to do your job, to be the slayer.

BUFFY: No. I don't hate like that. Not you, or myself. Not anymore. You think you have insight now because your soul's drenched in blood? You don't know me. You don't even know you. Was that you who killed those people in the cellar? Was that you who waited for those girls?

SPIKE: There's no one else.

BUFFY: That's not true. Listen to me. You're not alive because of hate or pain. You're alive because I saw you change. Because I saw your penance.

SPIKE: (lunges violently at her, but chains hold him back) Window dressing.

BUFFY: Be easier, wouldn't it, it if were an act, but it's not. (walks toward him) You faced the monster inside of you and you fought back. You risked everything to be a better man.

SPIKE: Buffy...

BUFFY: (in his face) And you can be. You are. You may not see it, but I do. I do. I believe in you, Spike.