Fisica delle Alte Energie con Acceleratori

Tesi di Laurea

Progettazione e sviluppo del software del monitoring online della camera a drift di KLOE a DAFNE - A.A. 1997-98

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KLOE Memos

The KLOE Drift Chamber Online Monitoring - E.Gorini, A.Ventura - KLOE Memo n°198

A preliminary study on selection of Kl4 decays at KLOE - E.Gorini, M.Primavera, A.Ventura - KLOE Memo n°199



K meson semileptonic decays at KLOE: measuring form factors and phase shifts - E. Gorini and the KLOE collaboration – Contributed Paper EPS-HEP '99 Tampere Conference, Session (3), Abstract n.640 .PS

K meson semileptonic decays at KLOE: measuring form factors and phase shifts - E. Gorini and the KLOE collaboration – to be published in Conference Proceedings of the EPS-HEP '99 Tampere Conference, Session (3), Abstract n.640 .PS

The KLOE Electromagnetic Calorimeter - M. Adinolfi et al. - Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science - March 2001

The Tracking Detector of the KLOE Experiment - M. Adinolfi et al. - Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science - April 2001

The QCAL tile calorimeter of KLOE - M. Adinolfi et al. - Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science - April 2001



A method for K± lifetime measurement - E.Gorini, A.Ventura - KLOE meeting presentation

Charged Kaons Analysis - A.Ventura et al. - KLOE Physics Workshop - La Biodola, Elba 23-25/05/2001 

I NOBEL per la Fisica

Fisica dei K


Fisica a Lecce


Amici della Fisica
(dal Fiorini con furore)