Sky. Sea. Vineyards, montains built with dry- stone walls,
charming landscapes. These are the constituent elements
of Cinqueterre (Five Lands), an environment built by men
and unique in the world. A territory declared by UNESCO,
in 1997, World Mankind’s Heritage and become, in 1999, a
National Park.

How to reach Volastra
Hospitality and services
Infos re the village
to reach Volastra
By flight:
Airports: Genoa and Pisa 100 Km.
By car:
Motorway A12 or A15. Exit. S. Stefano
Magra – La Spezia Ring- road along La Spezia promenade (direction:
Riomaggiore), then along the military ship- yard walls, thereafter
the road goes up the city and – thorugh a tunnel – goes straight
on the Cinqueterre. Gone beyond the Riomaggiore diversion, just
before reaching Manarola, a junction will show you, on the right,
signs for Levanto and the other Cinqueterre (Vernazza, Corniglia,
etc.) among which there is Volastra, the second one (Groppo
being the first) up in the hills. By bus: from La Spezia, a
bus comes three times a day to Volastra, on the same route as
above mentioned.
By train:
from the railway station at Manarola,
it is possible to reach Volastra (the straight distance between
the two villages is less than 1 kilometre) in 10 minutes less,
thorugh small buses in charge of a local coop whose members
deal also with the luggage transport (telephone n° 0187-920714).
In the next future the two villages should be linked by a permanent
transport system, via monorail. 

and services
With less than 200 permanent residents, Volastra has been organizing
a receptive capacity of sixty bed places, to which fifteen houses
of part-time residents must be added. In the village there are:
the foresters’ house, a little shop selling food and current
items, a restaurant and a surgery and first aid station. It
is possible to stay, either renting flats and rooms or in bed
and breakfast accomodations. 
Infos re the village
Volastra village is located up in the hills (330 metres on the
sea level), straightly less than 1 km from Manarola to which
it gave birth. It dominates the five maritime "cribs" that give
their name to the Cinqueterre territory (Riomaggiore, Manarola,
Corniglia, Vernazza, Monterosso). It has notably contributed,
thanks to its people’s work, in building up a unique landscape
in the world, at the heart of the fabolous Cinqueterre scenary.
It is a village with strong roots in peasantry, in vineyards,
in wine production, but it is also a village that is quickly
changing into a tourist place. Through the creation of reception/hospitality
structures, of travelling services, it gives the tourists the
opportunity of enjoying many various walks, either up in the
hills or down along the seaside and eventually diving into the
sea. Characters of the buildings in the village: the original
circular structure makes to think of a possible Etrurian origin;
the most ancient side cannot be seen from the sea. The parish
church, that is also a sanctuary devoted to Our Lady of the
Safety (honoured on August, 5th), is located just apart from
the village. It is a XII century building (possibly on a previous
one) and it has been recently restored thanks to the invaluable
help of local volunteers.

As a typical structure of the place, narrow
alleys (carugi, in dialect) and interesting stone doorways with
engraved dates witness the ancient origins. From the seven hundred
metres, and more, of the highest mountain, it is a sheerdrop
from the cliff to the sea. Along the ridges, there are terraces
built by men, stone by stone, dry walls along the sea side –
average height: two metres – with a planted space inside with
vines made by carried soil, or better, chips of stone. A huge
work, that today appears mostly covered by Mediterranean vegetation,
but that still shows, in long strips of land, the man’s fight
against nature, a titanic battle made with eight million square
metres of walls. Until today it has permitted the preservation
of a prodigious hydrogeologic balance up to 450 metres on the
sea level. From the vineyards it is obtained the famous sciacchetrà,an
almost undiscoverable "passito" (raisin wine); it is also obtained
a white wine, known already under the Roman Empire. It is reported
that amphorae full of wine were found in the excavations of
Pompei, possibly coming from Cornelius’ property, the present
Corniglia. Just arrived at Volastra, a secular olive-tree welcome
you, while others are close to the houses. They prove the mildness
of the climate as well as their willingness to crown the village;
they are wild olive-trees, with small-size fruits producing
a precious oil. Today the walls that have made the history of
Cinqueterre experiment their hardest time, due to the uncultivated
land as a result of objective difficulties in cultivation as
well as of an increasing demigraphic diminution. .
The National Park has therefore decided to give in adoption to whoever
makes a request parts of the land (obviously after proper agreements
with the owners). The aim is to stop the degradation of the environment.
Willingly, we give you the telephone number of the office
dealing with these adoptions, in case they could interest you :
Cinqueterre National Park c/o Riomaggiore
Municipality 0187-920113.