Byron from Canada
Intermediate Photographer
The Ted Koppel Show: A Critique of the Jesus Family Tomb
I am in DC today filming a show with Ted Koppel as moderator that is scheduled to air Sunday night on Discovery after the showing of “The Lost Tomb of Jesus Film.” It is called: The Lost Tomb of Jesus: A Critique.
The Future of Freedom: Part III, Critique
I split this post up because I personally dislike reading long posts. Make sure you reed the previous post before this one. I like a lot of what Zakaria has to say. Lobbying is clearly out of control, political parties have jettisoned
My critique of Jonathan Kozol
My critique of Jonathan Kozol, originally written on 10/5/05:. I applaud Jonathan Kozol's passionate commitment to America 's most disadvantaged schoolchildren and for shining a light on the (to quote the title of one of his books)
Another match to critique!
Take a look and let me know what you think in terms of NTRP level, style of play, technique, and overall play. Thank you for your comments!
Hollywood Tuna Fashion Critique: Paris Hilton
March 1, 2007 Hollywoodtuna. I don’t know what the hell Paris Hilton is wearing, do you? To me it looks like she’s on her way to American Airlines to apply for a position as a stewardess. And notice I say ‘stewardess’ rat .
McDonald's Bush Artwork Gets Secret Service Critique
MCDONALD'S BUSH Artwork Gets Secret Service Critique
Please critique my Wordpress theme
Hello Macrumors members. I am building my portfolio site using Wordpress and the K2 framework. While I am not even close to releasing it I wanted to know what you guys think of it so far. Like how fast it loads, color scheme,
New to dieting. Please critique my diet and supplements.
I'm finally ready to shed my fatass. 215 @ 6'0'' and pretty weak too. I've been fat all my life, and i'm now ready to gain the body i've always desired. Here's my normal day: 6AM-Wake up and run 2 miles. Pop the lipo 6, multivitamin,
My Final Cutting diet hopefully please critique -> reps
Hey guys, i posted this also in the losing fat forum but i wasnt sure if that is where it belonged as i truly am more interested in nutrition behind cutting and making sure things are perfect. so i have put some work into this,
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