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threaded sms - palm style!
these guys never cease to amaze me. thanks to everyone who was involved in the effort to get the threaded sms app from the
**update***palm threaded sms app working on treo 700w and treo 700wx
my favorite online place to hangout is the treocentral forums . when there's a will there's a way. palm decided not to include the threaded sms app we have all come to love on the palm os treos on the windows mobile treos,
treo 750v threaded sms / mms app hacked for all - engadget mobile
mmmm… threaded sms goodness… and now my journey towards the dark side is complete… if you’re anything like us, you’ve been waiting for a threaded sms / mms app to which featured palm’s winmo take on their long-lauded threaded sms
sms blocker
block unwanted smss like spam and advertisements on your treo
palm tx crashes using sms
occasionly, my palm tx crashes when i click on reply but from my sms message screen. i have agendus mail 5.23. please help! thanks ajay. ads by yahoo
palm threaded sms cracked
if you have a windows mobile device and want to take the palm treo threaded sms app with you your in luck! looks like the guys over at xda developers have figured out how to pull the app off the device and so far has been working on
palm's threaded sms app fully functional now on my ip-830w.
ok, if you want a fully working version of palm's threaded sms app get it
palm's threaded sms app hacked and available for all
well i thought i would post that someone over at xda (i love those people) hacked palm's threaded sms app and made it available for
threaded sms for the masses
one of the best features of the palm os based treos has been the threaded sms feature. whether you’re a heavy sms user or the kind that simply votes for your favorite american idol, threaded sms just makes a whole lotta sense. for those
Sprint Treo 700wx SMS fix coming
Sprint customers who snapped up the Palm Treo 700wx quickly discovered something surprising about text messaging with the device. It seems that Palm's implementation of SMS was less than exemplary resulting in the inability for Sprint

FunSMS is a very capable SMS application for Palm OS that supports a variety of phones and networks. While composing messages, the possibilities are:
Softonic: Palm OS > Comunicaciones e Infrared > Gestores de SMS y MMS
El website hispano líder en descargas de shareware, freeware, juegos, salvapantallas y software gratis. Incluye emule, kazaa, divx, nero, winamp, mp3,
Actualización SMS v4.0 (Palm)
Descargar el programa Actualización SMS v4.0 (Palm) de la categoría Utilidades:Actualización Software y Sistemas:Varios. Debido a los cambios efectuados por
BS -> Palloza | Palm , Palmare Palm , Palm Springs Hotel
Mozbot.fr: palm lifedrive - sms palm debbadi, software gestione sistema palm os Schwarzenegger, software musica palm os nonpotenziale, palm sms
WebToGo MailToGo - Powerful E-Mail, SMS and Fax application for
SMS Non servono driver per il cellulare: A differenza delle applicazioni che potresti aver trovato preinstallate sul tuo Palm, MailToGo non richiede alcun

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