The History of Computer Programming Languages
Short concise article on programming language history with some links.

  • The History of Computer Programming Languages Ever since the invention of Charles Babbage's difference engine in 1822, computers have required a means of instructing them to perform a specific task

  • Computer languages were first composed of a series of steps to wire a particular program; these morphed into a series of steps keyed into the computer and then executed; later these languages acquired advanced features such as logical branching and object orientation

  • The computer languages of the last fifty years have come in two stages, the first major languages and the second major languages, which are in use today

  • Thus, the earliest form of a computer language was physical motion

  • He developed two important concepts that directly affected the path of computer programming languages

  • This technique stated that the actual computer hardware should be simple and not need to be hand-wired for each program

  • This idea gave rise to the notion of subroutines, or small blocks of code that could be jumped to in any order, instead of a single set of chronologically ordered steps for the computer to take

  • The second part of the idea stated that computer code should be able to branch based on logical statements such as IF (expression) THEN, and looped such as with a FOR statement

    The Rice University Computer
    History of the R1, built in part because some Rice professors did not want to
    move to Los Alamos to use the US government's MANIAC II.

  • A Brief History of the Rice Computer 1959-1971 Adam Thornton Funding for this project has been provided by the Rice Undergraduate Scholars Program

  • The first was to provide a platform on which members of the Rice community could do research that would have been impossibly time-consuming without access to a computer

  • He did not, however, have any desire to move to Los Alamos, and therefore needed a computer to be built at Rice

  • The other goal of the machine was to do research into how computers should be built

  • In the years following John von Neumann's death, the Atomic Energy Commission became quite interested in funding computer research: Salsburg's request came at a time when the AEC's goals could be better met by funding the development of a new system than by offering to build a copy of MANIAC II or to buy a stock IBM computer

  • Towards the end of 1956, Zevi Salsburg, John Kilpatrick, and Larry Biedenharn, all Rice professors, decided they needed a computer 'like the one at Los Alamos.' The Atomic Energy Commission, to whom they applied for funding, told the three that, if they could procure an engineer, grant money for a computer's development would be forthcoming

    History of Computers
    A directory of sites about the history of computers arranged categorically and
    with specific topic and general topic sections.

  • History of Computers Part 1 History of Computers: Part 1 & are a compiled directory of computer history links for students and researchers

  • [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ABACUS ( Good pictures, overview, brief history, definition, counting boards, bibliography, and links for further study) AIKEN, HOWARD HATHAWAY ALTAIR Computer (Wikipedia) (David Bunnell) ( (by Thayer Watkins at San Jose State University) ( ( ( ( (by Forrest M

  • Mims III) (by Stan Veit, the Computer Editor of Popular Electronics Magazine) ANALYTICAL ENGINE APPLE/MACINTOSH ( ( ( (Mac News, Reviews, E-zines) ARPA, Forerunner of ARPANET and the Internet ATANASOFF, JOHN VINCENT Iowa State University Department of Computer Science, birthplace of the electronic digital computer

  • (Hien Chris Do) Drive Fast and Don't Look Back (This is an article about John Atanasoff.) This article from the Minining Company discusses the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, John Vincent Atanasoff, and Clifford Berry

    CS322: Operating Systems History
    A Brief History of Computer Operating Systems from the mid 1950s on.

  • CS322: A Brief History of Computer Operating Systems The Bare Machine Stacked Job Batch Systems (mid 1950s - mid 1960s) A batch system is one in which jobs are bundled together with the instructions necessary to allow them to be processed without intervention

  • Often jobs of a similar nature can be bundled together to further increase economy The basic physical layout of the memory of a batch job computer is shown below: -------------------------------------- | Monitor (permanently resident) | -------------------------------------- | User Space | (compilers, programs, data, etc.) | -------------------------------------- The monitor is system software that is responsible for interpreting and carrying out the instructions in the batch jobs

  • When the monitor started a job, it handed over control of the entire computer to the job, which then controlled the computer until it finished

  • Advantages of batch systems move much of the work of the operator to the computer increased performance since it was possible for job to start as soon as the previous job finished Disadvantages turn-around time can be large from user standpoint more difficult to debug program due to lack of protection scheme, one batch job can affect pending jobs (read too many cards, etc) a job could corrupt the monitor, thus affecting pending jobs a job could enter an infinite loop As mentioned above, one of the major shortcomings of early batch systems was that there was no protection scheme to prevent one job from adversely affecting other jobs


    Photo by

    A Brief History of Programming Languages
    A special Byte Magazine article published for Byte's 20th anniversary special report.

  • Archives Special About Us Newsletter Free E-mail Newsletter from A Brief History of Programming Languages / / A Brief History of Programming Languages We've come a long way from computers programmed with wires and punch cards

  • 1949 Short Code , the first computer language actually used on an electronic computing device, appears

  • An implementation of Pascal appears on a CDC 6000-series computer

  • 1975 Tiny BASIC by Bob Albrecht and Dennis Allison (implementation by Dick Whipple and John Arnold) runs on a microcomputer in 2 KB of RAM

  • MITS is producing the Altair, an 8080-based microcomputer

  • Sometime in the late 1970s , Kenneth Bowles produces UCSD Pascal, which makes Pascal available on PDP-11 and Z80-based computers

  • Japan begins the Fifth Generation Computer System project

  • She has been called the first computer programmer because of her work on Charles Babbage's analytical engine

  • In late 1983 and early 1984, Microsoft and Digital Research both release the first C compilers for microcomputers

  • Vanilla SNOBOL4 for microcomputers is released

  • 1986 Smalltalk/V appears--the first widely av ailable version of Smalltalk for microcomputers

    Internet Society: A Brief History of the Internet
    An authoritative history, written by some of those who were most closely associated
    with its creation and development.

    Internet Society (ISOC) All About The Internet: History of the ...
    A list of links to resources.

  • by Tim Berners-Lee, Director of the World Wide Web Consortium and a principal research scientist at the Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • This paper reviews the history, the goals, the organization and the components of CSNET (the Computer Science Research Network)

  • The Internet history from the perspective of a computer geek who likes knowing more than what the instructions simply tell us

    A Brief History of "Rogue"
    Glenn R. Wichman's firsthand account of Rogue's origins and collected remarks
    from players.

  • Wichman The classic computer game 'Rogue' was developed over a a period of a few years by a number of people

  • See Also For those of you who weren't involved with computers back in 1980, a little background is going to be necessary

  • The main home computers at this time were the Atari 400/800, the Commodore 64, and the Apple II (No Macintosh, and hardly any IBM PC's at the time)

  • At computer labs in universities, most students used 'dumb terminals' connected to some kind of mainframe or minicomputer

  • A popular game on college computers at the time was a text-only role playing game called 'Adventure'

  • The computer would print out a textual description of your surroundings, and you would respond by typing in a command telling what your character should do, e.g

  • Around this time at U.C.Berkeley, a student named Ken Arnold (I'm sure there were others involved as well) put together a library of routines which allowed programs to do 'cursor addressing', which means the programs could put a character at a specific location on the computer screen

  • Version 4.2 of BSD UNIX included Rogue -- suddenly, the game was available on university computers all over the world

  • Benefits

    Photo by

    A Brief History of Home Video Games
    The history of home video games with essays concerning the industry and its players.
    Covers the industry until 1996.

    Brief History of Artificial Intelligence
    A timeline of AI and Robotics events from 500 BC to 2000 AD.

  • Some of these conceptual achievements are listed below under '.' After modern computers became available, following World War II, it has become possible to create programs that perform difficult intellectual tasks

  • Vannevar Bush published As We May Think (Atlantic Monthly, July 1945) a prescient vision of the future in which computers assist humans in many activities

  • 1963 Thomas Evans' program, ANALOGY, written as part of his PhD work at MIT, demonstrated that computers can solve the same analogy problems as are given on IQ tests

  • Feigenbaum & Julian Feldman published Computers and Thought , the first collection of articles about artificial intelligence

  • 1964 Danny Bobrow's dissertation at MIT ( #1 from MIT's AI group, Project MAC), shows that computers can understand natural language well enough to solve algebra word problems correctly

  • 1970 Jaime Carbonell (Sr.) developed SCHOLAR, an interactive program for computer-aided instruction based on semantic nets as the representation of knowledge

  • 1971 Terry Winograd's PhD thesis (MIT) demonstrated the ability of computers to understand English sentences in a restricted world of children's blocks, in a coupling of his language understanding program, SHRDLU, with a robot arm that carried out instructions typed in English

    A Brief History of Robotics
    A timeline of robotics beginning with a mechanical bird built in 350 BC and
    continuing to the current day.

  • Punch cards are later used as an input method for some of the 20th centuries earliest computers

  • Despite this shortcoming he is often heralded as the 'Father of the Computer' and his work lives on as the foundation for the binary numbering system that is the basis of modern computers

  • 1936 introduces the concept of a theoretical computer called the

  • Despite being a fundamental advance in computer logic it also spawns new schools in Mathematics

  • 1961 Heinrich Ernst develops the MH-1, a computer operated mechanical hand at MIT

  • ELIZA functions as a computer psychologist that manipulates its users statements to form questions

  • 1967 Richard Greenblatt writes, in response to a recent article written by Hurbert Dreyfus where he suggests, as a critique to efforts in artificial intelligence, that a computer program could never beat him in a game of chess

  • When the program is finished and Dreyfus is invited to play the computer he leads for most of the game but ultimately loses in the end in a close match

  • It features, an onboard computer that decides it doesn't need its human counterparts any longer

    A brief history of wearable computing
    Detailed time-line of the development of the wearable computing technology.
    Author: Bradlet Rhodes.

  • Foundations (F): Thinkers, innovations, and experiments that helped pave the way for wearable computers

  • Complete Systems (C): Complete wearable computers (general or special purpose) 1268 (F) : 1665 (F) : 1762 (F) : 1907 (F) : Aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont commissions the creation of the first wristwatch 1945 (F) : 1960 (F) : Heilig patents a head-mounted stereophonic television display

  • 1966 (C) Ed Thorp and Claude Shannon reveal their invention of the first wearable computer, used to predict roulette wheels [MIT] The system was a cigarette-pack sized analog computer with 4 push buttons

  • A data-taker would use the buttons to indicate the speed of the roulette wheel, and the computer would then send tones via radio to a bettor's hearing aid

  • 1966 (F) Sutherland creates first computer-based head-mounted display [MIT] Sutherland created a tethered HMD using two CRTs mounted beside each of a wearer's ears, with half-silvered mirrors reflecting the images to the user's eyes

  • 1967 (C) Hubert Upton invents analogue wearable computer with eyeglass-mounted display to aid lipreading [Bell Helicopter] Hubert Upton designed an analogue wearable computer as an aid for lip-reading


    A Brief History of Unix
    History of Unix and causes for its popularity. "This document is designed to give
    people with no previous UNIX experience some sense of what UNIX is.

  • As UNIX was ported onto more and more different types of computer hardware the UNIX networking allowed many different types of systems to share and mutually use data

  • This makes it relatively easy for a computer vendor to get UNIX running on their system

  • UNIX is nearly the unanimous choice of operating system for computer companies started since 1985

  • The user benefit which results from this is that UNIX runs on a wide variety of computer systems

  • The primary reason for this is because UNIX runs on so many different computer systems ranging from small desktops to the largest computers in the world

  • This ability for a user to work on many different makes of computer systems without re-training is called 'user portability'

  • An open system is a system which allows application portability, system interoperability, and user portability between many different computer vendor hardware platforms

  • HISTORY SUMMARY From a simple beginning as a personal research project to an important role in the operating systems on a wide range of computer systems from desktop micros to the largest mainframes, UNIX has and will have a lot of impact

    Computer Languages History
    Timeline chart, 1954 to today, printable; links to homes of many languages.

  • Computer Languages History Computer Languages Timeline Below, you can see the preview of the Computer Languages History (click on the white zone to get a bigger image): 1954 1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2000 2002 2003 2005 There is only 50 languages listed in my chart, if you don't find 'your' language, see of Bill Kinnersley (he has listed more than 2500 languages)

  • by Stanford Computer Systems Laboratory

  • : ML : Modula : Oberon : : by Pascal : (document) Perl : Home Page PHP : PL/I : by IBM Plankalkül : PostScript : by by Jim Land Home Page Prolog : Python : Home Page Rexx : by IBM Ruby : (Wikipedia) Sail : Sather : Scheme : by MIT (in PostScript) Home Page Self : from Sun Sh : of David Korn from GNU Simula : by Jan Rune Holmevik Smalltalk : Home Page web site from IBM from Cincom Snobol : by Phil Budne by Mohammad Noman Hameed Tcl/Tk : Other links on same subject : (about 2500 computer languages) by Bill Kinnersley by Diarmuid Pigott

  • by The Brighton University : free computer books (in French) by Serge Rossi

    A Brief History of the Internet
    An anecdotal history by Walt Howe of the people and communities that brought
    about the Internet and the Web. Includes a glossary of terms.

  • An anecdotal history of the people and communities that brought about the Internet and the Web ©2006 Walt Howe (Last updated 7 August 2006) The Internet was the result of some visionary thinking by people in the early 1960s who saw great potential value in allowing computers to share information on research and development in scientific and military fields

  • Licklider of MIT, first proposed a global network of computers in 1962, and moved over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in late 1962 to head the work to develop it

  • Lawrence Roberts of MIT connected a Massachusetts computer with a California computer in 1965 over dial-up telephone lines

  • The Internet, then known as ARPANET, was brought online in 1969 under a contract let by the renamed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) which initially connected four major computers at universities in the southwestern US (UCLA, Stanford Research Institute, UCSB, and the University of Utah)

  • The early Internet was used by computer experts, engineers, scientists, and librarians

  • There were no home or office personal computers in those days, and anyone who used it, whether a computer professional or an engineer or scientist or librarian, had to learn to use a very complex system

    The Virtual Museum of Computing
    A virtual museum that includes an eclectic collection of WWW hyperlinks connected
    with the history of computing and on-line computer-based exhibits available ...

  • This virtual museum includes an eclectic of (WWW) hyperlinks connected with the history of computing and on-line computer-based exhibits available both locally and around the world

  • A conference celebrating the 50th anniversary of , the world's first business computer

  • 50th anniversary of the ACE computer, London, 18 May 2000 & , UK, 19 May 2000

  • , 50th Anniversary of the EDSAC 1 computer, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK, 15-16 April 1999

  • - a new blue plaque memorial as Code-breaker and Pioneer of Computer Science was unveiled by ( 's ) at in London, UK, on Turing's 86th birthday, 23 June 1998

  • Computer graphics , including

  • Computer

  • : Review of The World's First Business Computer: User-Driven Innovation , D.T

  • An early home computer manufacturer based in Cambridge, UK

  • Personal computer manufacturer found by Jobs and Wozniak, only real competition to the IBM PC

  • Early minicomputer manufacturer

  • Early minicomputer manufacturer

  • : First business computer ( - LEO) manufacturer, UK

  • More on-line history from other computer companies not mentioned above would be especially welcome for inclusion

    A Brief History of The Pequot War
    John Mason's 1736 account of this colonial conflict, which involved the Narragansett.

  • If your computer has the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, the Reader will launch itself and open the file you have selected

  • The Lehman and Residential Computing Labs have the Reader installed on all computers

  • If you are using your own computer and need to install the reader (it's free and easy to do), click here for instructions and a link to the Adobe website: Besides just reading the .pdf file where you've openned it, say in Lehman, you may also print it and and/or save it to a floppy disk

    Brief History of the Internet
    Ross Shannon provides an overview of the Internet's origins, from ARPANET and
    email to the Web. Includes a breakdown of the components that make up the ...

  • Computers at the time were massive, primitive structures

  • This is similar to the present-day client/server relationship we have with the modern Internet, except the computers are usually comparable in terms of power, and so the Internet is known as a peer-to-peer system

  • Eventually, the first large-scale Internet was created — a set of interconnected US military computers

  • The introduction of personal computers in the late 70s brought a large new audience to the developing Internet

  • Tim saw the need for a standard linked information system accessible across the range of different computers in use

  • In 1993 the first proper web-browser , Mosaic , took the Internet by storm; having been developed at the National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA)

  • Even at this stage, malicious viruses and worms were infiltrating computers connected to the Internet

  • What is the Internet? The Internet today is a large-scale network of millions of computers that allows continuous communication across the globe

  • Each page is placed on a server , a computer continually connected to the rest of the web

    History of BASIC
    A history of one of the most commonly used programming languages.

  • Douggie Green writes: BASIC was born in 1964 at Dartmouth College in the USA to aid the teaching of computer programming at a time when the main methods of input/output were via punched card and/or paper tape

  • And computers were big! I learnt BASIC on a burroughs mainframe with 5 terminals, 2 or 3 mag tape drives and _64K_ RAM! It filled a small room! Ferrite core memory! Variable names of one character

  • The language was originally only available in interpreted versions, which were mostly running on mainframes and minis but with the advent of the personal computer in the mid-seventies many different versions began to appear, most holding to the Dartmouth spec, with extensions

  • During the late seventies and mid/late eighties there were _hundreds_ of personal computers designed, built and sold, and nearly all came with some dialect of BASIC on ROM

  • In the 1970's when M.I.T.S.'s Altair personal computer was being conceived Allen convinced Gates to help him develop a Basic Language for it

  • By the late 70's, BASIC had been ported to platforms such as the Apple, Commodore and Atari computers and now it was time for Bill Gates's DOS which came with a Basic interpreter

    Chronology of Personal Computers
    Timeline of microcomputers from the development of the microprocessor in the
    1960s through to the present day. Includes hardware, software, peripherals, ...

  • Chronology of Personal Computers Copyright © 1995-2006 Ken Polsson internet e-mail: All rights reserved

  • URL: This document is an attempt to bring various published sources together to present a timeline about Personal Computers

  • Since 1994, I have browsed over 1000 sources for date information related to personal computers

  • ( Miniaturization of electronic circuits via the transistor is a key development making personal desktop computers small, reliable, and affordable

  • ) [185.84] [202.131] [266.9] [1064.237] [1149.69] [1298.186] 1952 January A complaint is filed against IBM, alleging monopolistic practices in its computer business, in violation of the Sherman Act

  • IBM will cautiously monitor its microcomputer business practices, fearful of a repeat of government scrutiny

  • ( Though personal computers are twenty years in the future, this consent decree will limit IBM's success and ability to compete in the marketplace

  • ) [569.138] (month unknown) The first transistorized computer is completed, the TX-O (Transistorized Experimental computer), at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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