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ICRA: Internet Content Rating Association::: ... The Internet Content Rating Association runs a global self-labelling system providing Internet users with the choice to limit...
Donate To Charity Portal We are an online resource center for anyone looking to easily support their favorite charity or non profit organization.
Home Africa is facing an incredible crisis and that crisis is called the AIDS epidemic.
Anthony Charity Anthony's Charity is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to work with and for children. We believe that all children deserve the basic right to health, education and a future where they can realize and demonstrate their true potential.
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Christmas Connection Charity Organization- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Christmas Connection Charity Organization- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
BBB CHECK IT OUT: BBB reports provide information on over two million organizations. It is a good idea to check before you invest...
Robert Cowan We are a Nevada youth organization and a children's charity dedicated to enabling underprivileged youth participate in activities. We also spread knowlege of child poverty.
Donate Money to Charity - Charitable Giving -... Find a charity. Give to charity. Donate or give money to charity. Volunteer your time for charity. Tax deductible donations t...
Christmas Connection Charity Organization- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Christmas Connection is a non-profit organization serving the less fortute of Oklahoma County, providing toys, clothing%2
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