info: CUBA

Indymedia Italia - Nel libro "Fidel Castro, Biografia a due voci", edito dalla Editorial Debate, il Capo di Stato cubano rivela notizie non divulgate a proposito dei fatti dell' aprile del 2002 in Venezuela ...
A Cuba si vive, in media, di più che in tutta l'America Latina
Indymedia Italia - L'ultimo resoconto annuale dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Salute che include le più recenti statistiche sulle aspettative di vita sul pianeta, ha rivelato che Cuba ha ha la più alta media di ...
Stati Uniti, le bugie e la Storia nascosta - Howard Zinn
Indymedia Italia - Ora che moltissimi americani non credono più nella guerra, ora che non si fidano più di Bush e della sua amministrazione, ora che la prova dell'inganno è diventata evidente (così evidente che ...
la cultura della salute mentale
Indymedia Italia - Sotto l'aspetto del diritto ma dentro culture diverse non diversissime europa ed america dove e come in nostra accezione europea ed italiana la cultura della salute mentale e dietro ciò cosa e ...
Sono arrivati a Cuba i resti del 1º Tenente Hermes Peña Torres
La Vanguardia - "Forse non ritornerò mai più, ma la storia dirà dove sono arrivato", scrisse nella sua ultima lettera alla moglie Catalina il primo tenente Hermes Peña Torres, i cui resti sono stati depositati ...
Ajai & Nurul elak perang besar
NSTP e-Media - KATA orang, cemburu itu tandanya sayang. Namun bagi pasangan popular, Ajai dan Nurul, cemburu biarlah berpada, kerana jika dilayan dengan keterlaluan, ia akan pasti membinasakan rumah tangga. Apatah ...
Doa Kak Engku termakbul
NSTP e-Media - dibacakan adik angkatnya, Ustaz Murshidi. Niat Kak Engku, andai kata doanya untuk mendapatkan cahaya mata perempuan termakbul, dia dan suami mahu mengadakan majlis berendoi dan cukur jambul secara ...
NSTP e-Media - Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang pandangan atau komen mengenai dunia hiburan, sila hantarkan e-mel atau surat anda itu dengan tidak lebih 80 perkataan. Sila nyatakan juga nama penuh, K/P, usia ...
Penduduk temui gas ketika gerudi telaga tiub
Berita Harian - PASIR MAS: Sekumpulan penduduk di Kampung Sipol dekat sini, yang mengorek telaga tiub untuk mendapatkan bekalan air, terkejut besar apabila gas yang keluar sehingga mereka menggunakannya untuk memasak ...
Penonton ganggu persembahan Mawi
Utusan Malaysia Online - GELAGAT para penonton yang menyerbu ke hadapan pentas untuk mengambil gambar Mawi. MENONTON persembahan penyanyi sensasi tanah air, Mawi sempena Minggu Setiausaha di Palace Of The Golden Horses baru ...
Disillusioned Bay of Pigs veteran hopes for a last glimpse of Cuba (AFP via Yahoo! News)
Forty-five years after taking part in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, Tomas Vazquez has no fight left in him, and simply dreams of seeing the island he loves one last time before he dies....
Ex-Caracas Oil Head: Don't Invest in Cuba (AP via Yahoo! Finance)
Venezuela's plans to refurbish an idled Soviet-era refinery in Cuba represent a lost investment for this oil-rich South American nation, a former president of the state-run oil company said Monday....
Planning for Cuba without Castro (BBC News)
Nick Caistor reports on the forces both within and outside Cuba which are manoeuvring for the succession....
3 weeks after fleeing, return to Cuba fatal (Miami Herald)
The man killed Wednesday by Cuban border guards during an alleged immigrant-smuggling attempt had left Cuba just three weeks earlier, Cuban media reported Friday....
Czech Republic to propose steps towards Cuba in EU (Prague Daily Monitor)
Prague, April 16 (CTK) - The Czech Republic is preparing steps and proposals for the EU talks on relations with Cuba, Foreign Minister Cyril Svoboda told reporters at an extraordinary press conference after the return of expelled Czech diplomat Stanislav Kazecky from Cuba today....
Kazecky says Cuba expelled him over human rights support (Prague Daily Monitor)
Havana, April 16 (CTK) - Czech diplomat Stanislav Kazecky, whom Cuba refused to extend his visa and accused of subversion and work for the US, thinks that the Cuban government thereby reacted to the Czech foreign policy in support of human rights, he said in an interview for Spanish news agency EFE today....
Bay of Pigs vets mark 45th year of failed Cuba invasion (Sun-Sentinel)
MIAMI -- Bay of Pigs veterans marked the 45th anniversary of the failed Cuba invasion Monday as they geared up for a massive campaign to create a permanent museum commemorating the attack and its history. ...
Zambia: Artistes Should Learn From Cuba - Manjata (
ZAMBIAN artistes should learn from Cuba, community development minister Stephen Manjata has said....
Spoon River Public Library in Cuba receives grant (Canton Daily Ledger)
CUBA - The Spoon River Public Library District in Cuba has been awarded a "We the People - Becoming an American" Bookshelf grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)....
Supreme Court Won't Hear Chinese Detainees' Case (Washington Post)
The Supreme Court yesterday declined to expedite the case of two Chinese Muslims who have been held for four years at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, despite being cleared of ties to terrorism. The justices, without comment, deferred to a federal appellate court that is scheduled to hear ...

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