Il rapporto ONU infiamma il dibattito su Guantanamo
Inter Press Service - New York, Febbario 2006 (IPS) - Gli esperti di politica estera e diritti umani sembrano concordare con un rapporto delle Nazioni Unite (Onu), che chiede a Washington di chiudere il suo centro di ...
Lunedì 10 aprile 2006
Articolo21 - Ancorché parziali visto che i seggi rimarranno aperti anche oggi fino alle 15 a differenza di cinque anni fa quando si votò un solo giorno, i dati sull'affluenza alle urne diffusi dal Viminale ...
La moglie del Professore reagisce all'attacco del centrodestra sulla ...
Liberta Online - BOLOGNA - Flavia Franzoni Prodi è amareggiata. Ai giornalisti chiamati all'improvviso in una stanzetta del suo ufficio bolognese non nasconde il suo stupore per «l'ultima cosa al mondo che pensavo ...
Sabato 8 aprile 2006
Articolo21 - ROMA - Clown e giocolieri, mangiafuoco e trampolieri, lo zucchero filato rosa e il Professore che arriva in sella alla Moto Guzzi del portavoce Silvio Sircana. Settantamila persone in piazza del ...
ADMFI: Mozart, Sostakovic e il cinema di Greenaway per il ritorno di ...
Nove da Firenze - È la doppietta di concerti che chiude la Stagione 2005-06 degli Amici della Musica di Firenze. Tre sole tappe per l'atteso ritorno in Italia di GIDON KREMER, celeberrimo violinista, con la ...
Giovedì 30 marzo 2006: Notizie flash dall'Iraq occupato
Uruk Net - (ANSA) - TIKRIT, 30 MAR - Otto lavoratori della raffineria di Baiji, sono stati uccisi in un agguato compiuto da persone armate non identificate. Ne hanno dato notizia fonti di polizia. Secondo fonti ...
Classical CDs (The Star-Ledger)
Chamber-scaled music blooms on the best DVDs. With intimate camera angles able to bring performances alive, they're the next best thing to being there....
Dalai Lama Pleads for Defending Islam (Zaman Online)
Suicide attacks are a potential curse for any religion, said the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, making the call that Islam should not be shown as the reason for terror attacks....
Laser wave steers electrons in chemical bonds (SpaceRef)
As is now reported in Science (April 14, 2006), a team of scientists from the Netherlands (FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF), Amsterdam) and Germany (Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ), Garching and the Universities of Bielefeld and Hamburg) has demonstrated that the detailed shape of the electric field inside a short light pulse can be used to control the motion of ...
Laser wave steers electrons in chemical bonds (AstroInfo)
Quelle: Space Wire Top Stories...
Laser Wave Steers Electrons In Chemical Bonds (Science Daily)
Ultrashort laser pulses in the femtosecond range have proven to be effective tools in driving photochemical reactions: under the influence of light, electrons change their energy quantum states, followed by the breaking of existing chemical bonds or the formation of new ones....
US could restrict Venezuelan ambassador's freedom (El Universal)
Monday, April 10th *President Hugo Chávez warned he could declare the United States ambassador William Brownfield persona non grata and thus expel him from Venezuela if the diplomat continued to walk around Venezuela "as if he owned the country."...
In Sight/ Movies; Cinema Kabuki zooms in on detail (
Never seen Kabuki? Cinema Kabuki might be just the ticket. Two plays featuring Bando Tamasaburo, the genre's top onnagata (an actor who specializes in female roles), have been filmed in digital....
A Sixties icon who wasn't born to follow (Sydney Morning Herald)
Best known for his edgy movies, Dennis Hopper shows another side to his sensibility - his earlier career as a portrait and cultural photographer. -...
Laser wave steers electrons in chemical bonds (PhysOrg)
As is now reported in Science, a team of scientists from the Netherlands (FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics) and Germany (Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching and the Universities of Bielefeld and Hamburg) has demonstrated that the detailed shape of the electric field inside a short light pulse can be used to control the motion of electrons involved in chemical bonding ...
Events Search (East Bay Express)
By Anneli Rufus The Mod Squad, lycanthropy, dryads, Dada, yadda yadda - New Yipes is a lit journal that pulls no punches and offers a sharp little slice of weirdness to whomever's hungry....

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