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 World Population 

Some numbers of world population over the years are instructive:

 700  : 200 millions

1500 : 450 millions

1750 : 700 millions

1850 : 1200 millions

1900 : 1600 millions

1950 : 2450 millions or over

1980 : 4400 millions

2000 : 6080 millions

2005 : 6480 millions or : 6,480,000,000 people

These numbers are so impressive, particularly the insane growth in the last 50 years, that
this topic alone might (or should?) make us perceive the "end of the world", at least in the
form we are accustomed to, as imminent or not far away at all.

Indeed, this problem alone is so dramatic both for a quiet living together in a society and for
our planet, that some organizations or associations have this issue as their primary concern,
and their mission is to spread an alarmed message about this topic.

But a problem is that very little, if anything, is being done, also in terms of "information",
or education, or culture: especially in poor countries, where population growth is really huge

www.zpg.org/basics.htm     ( zero population growth association)

http://desip.igc.org/populationmaps.html  (maps)

http://geography.about.com/od/obtainpopulationdata/a/worldpopulation.htm     ( world pop.growth )

http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/worldpop.html   ( US census popul. 1950-2050)

http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/worldhis.html  ( US census historical estimates  -10000 to  1950 )