Panda Software, nuovo GateDefender Performa
PC Self - Panda Software presenta il nuovo Panda GateDefender Performa , l'appliance per il Secure Content Management (SCM) ad alto rendimento per la protezione a 360° del perimetro della rete aziendale ...
Amplusnet to Launch New Release of Cyclope Internet Filtering Proxy Business Solution (PR Web)
Amplusnet has launched a new version of its Internet filtering solution: Cyclope Internet Filtering Proxy, a filtering solution designed for the business environment. [PRWEB Mar 10, 2006]...
Half the e-mail traffic to Asia-Pacific is spam (Hindustan Times)
Spam made up 50 per cent of all monitored e-mail traffic targeting the Asia-Pacific region in the latter half of last year, a report on Internet security threats said Monday....
Main Headline (Boca Raton News)
Parents may restrict Internet use or disconnect a child's account. That only plugs one hole in the digital dike. Resourceful children gain Internet access away from home, often at a library or at school itself - or at a friend's house with less-dilligent parents....
Spam problem sorted, says start-up (Stuff)
A Napier start-up says it has solved the spam problem using New Zealand-made software that actively scans for forbidden content such as graphy....
Market Place (RedNova)
By Anonymous New Products & Industry Announcements Accutrac and 3M Announce RFID Solutions Accutrac Software Inc. and 3M have announced a new line of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology records management solutions....
Google, U.S. to face off in federal court (San Jose Mercury News)
It's showdown time for Google and the Bush administration. In a widely anticipated hearing in San Jose federal court, lawyers for the Mountain View-based search engine and the government will square off Tuesday over whether Google should be forced to turn over a vast array of data, including 1 million Web addresses. The case is viewed by many experts as a test of how vulnerable the voracious ...
Slashback: OSX Security, DoD Filtering, Anonymous Posting (Slashdot)
Slashdot tonight brings some corrections, clarifications, and updates to previous Slashdot stories, including some favorable results from the University of Wisconsin's Mac OS X Challenge, skeptics investigate cold fusion claims, more on DoD web filtering, AT&T cuts 10,000 jobs after BellSouth merger, more child-proofing efforts for MySpace, Why Windows Vista Will Suck: a rebuttal, Harvard ...
E-Mail Programs Still Don't Deliver (Washington Post)
To a lot of people, e-mail has become something that only lives on the Web in free services such as Yahoo's or Google's. Why bother running a separate program just for your mail when you can pile up messages by the gigabyte on somebody else's server, then access it from anywhere?...
Three Ways To Authenticate E-Mail And Stop Spam (InternetWeek)
Don't stop at filtering software. Sender authentication provides another defense against spam--but you'll have to choose from three methods....
Kalam to students: send e-mails as often as you wish (The Hindu)
YANGON: In a country where the army is in full control and the Internet restricted, political correctness did not matter to President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam when it came to interacting with students and telling what he thought was correct....

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