Tactics and Operative Technics..





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|         Directives        |


The training is the fundamental activity of the Special Teams of all the world. Beyond 70% of the time it is dedicated to the simulations of several situations and to the practices of shooting, scalings and scrambled up, or physical exercise.It risks to being useless if this activity is not based on the precise and careful application of the techniques and the directives learned during the theoretical course. Improper or the wrong application of the directives risks, in fact, to accustom the team's members to wrong or conflicting behaviors, harmful for himself and the others people. The application of the directives get an agent surer and competent and, fundamental, accustoms to react more to the varied situations in the more opportune way. The simulations and the training, moreover, give the possibility to the instructors to estimate the competence and the preparation caught up from the agent.


Training Directives
- No agent can participate to the simulations if not after to have
received instructions and training adapted on the techniques to use.
- Agents and instructors must be equipped of all the appropriate equipment demanded, the lack of this involves the exclusion from the simulations
- The instructors must always be ready to take part if the situation "stretches to escape of hand ".
- In order to stop a simulation it goes used a wistle that indicates the STOP to the action.
The agents who participate must be in optimal physical conditions, a pressure bleed of 100/100 max-min.for example exclude the participation.


- The agents do not have during the training session : wear jewels, chew rubbers, candies, smoke,  use perfumed colonies.
- The agents in state of pregnancy are not admitted to the practices.
- The agents before the beginning of the simulation, must have exactly comprised the orders and the intentions of the instructors. 
- The instructors can, during the practice to give under voice suggestions and directives for the good resolution of the action. The instructors do not have to put in embarrassment the agents with too much compliant behaviors.


- The instructors must supply compatible tactics action with that they can be " real " conditions. 
 A shooting house used for training sessions
- The instructors do not have to hurt or never to react excessive to behaviors of the agents during the simulation. 
- During the practices  must be present at least an
timekeeper instructor (that he controls the times of reaction and action) and other instructor assigned to the emergency (that controls the lack of protecting wear, violations to the directives on the emergency, too much aggressive behaviors or too much liabilities).


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