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Davania is the southern continent of the world of Mystara. Here are the nations of Davania that I have developed so far..

Golden Matriarchy of Pelatan

Empire of Izonda

Land of Mis

Those files have been published in too. .

PELATAN (Golden Matriarchy of )

Location: Western coast of Davania, south of Arica and south west of Izonda.
Area: Approximately 800,000 sq mi.
Population: 1,000,000 or more (500 good dragons, 5000 sphinxes)
Language: Pelatian (mixed elven-tanagoro). elven writing.
Calendar: 1016 AC is 1616 IY (Iemara year, see below)
Government: Monarchy of the Golden Matriarch, advised by a council of women chosen by Valerias.
Industries: agriculture (most population is vegetarian), ship building (poor) mining (all kinds of minerals, stones and gems) textile (cotton, hemp, linen) magical objects (good or neutral purposes only).

History: During the Ilsundal migration, a group of elves, friend to enduks and sphinxes, decided to settle south of the enduk empire. When the enduks escaped their evil brethren the minotaurs and went north, the elves had an hard time to resist the minotaurs'ferocity. The arrival of Tanagoro colonist in the former lands of the enduks helped them to defeat the minotaurs. The tanagoro settled in Arica. Some tanagoro, more nature oriented than their arican brethren began to settle in the elven lands. For centuries the two population lived in peace, with interbreeding more and more frequent. When the "good" ogres followers of Sumag arrived in Arica in 1250 BC pelatians welcomed them too. When the war of purification drove ogre kin away from Arica in 900 BC some ogre kin settled in pelatan, while others drove away the minotaurs and lizard kin of the desert and founded Izonda. Shortly after more humanoid came from the north, forcing Arica, Izonda and Pelatan to fight. Izonda became a military dictatorship, and began to wage war upon Pelatan. Elves, Tanagoro and Ogre kin of Pelatan united themselves under a young warriorress, Eshala. But in 807 Bc Eshala was killed in battle, and bitter times began for Pelatan. The salvation came from the east, by the hands of a Varellyan priestess of Valerias, Iemara. Iemara and her priestess aided the pelatians in their darkest hour, and the izondians were defeated. The new capital of Pelatan was named after the priestess, who became the first golden matriarch. Peaceful relations were estabilished with Nivall, the new founded colony of Varellya to the south. Izondians tried to invade Pelatan two others times, in 400Bc and 300Bc, but were always defeated. In 150BC Iemara died fighting a Copper Dragon, and her husband Erimil the fool proclamed himself king, aided by the military who wanted war against Izonda and Arica. The war lasted 50 years, until the young daughter of Erimil, Iasia, forced his father to abdicate and became the new Golden Matriarch. In 441Ac humanoids raiders from the east attacked Pelatan, bt were destroyed. In 650AC other varellyans arrived in Nivall from the east, but relations between pelatan and nivall continued peacefully. In 750 AC Izonda attacked but was crusched by the Nivall-Pelatan alliance. Since then Pelatan and Nivall are close allies. In 850Ac Illemia, daughter of Iasia, became the third golden matriarch. Recently, in 1007 AC Pelatians clerics of Valerias inspire a revolt in Izonda, after which the dictatorship took a more peaceful and tollerant governemnt. The revolution has been called the flowers'strife.

The People: Pelatians are a mix of elven, tanagoro, ogre kin and varellyan blood. So they are tall, slender and strong and have pointed ears. There are no more individuals of one of the four races at presents days. Their skin tone is very variable, but never too much dark or pale. Their hair are usually dark, and so their eyes, but there are many people with blond or red hair and azure or green eyes. Pelatians mated also with gold dragon, and so their livespan is much longer than normal human, ranging to a minimun of 250 years to a maximun of 1000. The Golden Matriarch live always exactly 1000 years, by Valerias will, and seems always 20 years old. Pelatians workship Valerias above any other god, but Valerias herself consider Pelatan shared with Ordana. Xeron (Ixion) is workshipped too, and in present day also all the nature oriented or elven gods and goddesses (ilsundal, mealiden, eyrindul, faunus, djaea,...) Tarastia and Diulanna are workshipped as goddess of war and justice. Korotiku is well known as a god of joy, and all his clerics are most aranea. Evil gods are banished and their followers exiled. Showing racism in Pelatan is another cause of exile. Any unmotivated act of violence deserve immediate death penalty, carried by the citizen of Pelatan themselves. Theft is a minor crime and usually is punished only by restitution. Tollerancy is the major virtue of Pelatan society, and no creature is unwelcomed here, neither beholders, evil dragons, minotaurs and humanoid at least until they behave themselves. Sphinxes, Centaurs, Zebrataurs, Pegataurs, araneas, faerie folks, good and neutral dragons live peacefully in pelatians cities. Now that the flowers'strife has changed izondian society Pelatan has no other enemy.

Adventures link: For the curosity and tollerance of his inhabitants Pelatan has many contact with other planes, and this may be a good source of adventures for any visitor. Evil gods enemies of Valerias (like Thanatos) always plot to bring down this peaceful nation (the rule of Erimil the fool, the attacks of izondians and the humanoids invasions were all Thanatos'plots). Scattered around the nation there are many ancient ruins of enduk, serpentine and elven cities from before the great rain of fire.

Society and Government: Pelatan is an egalitarian society, but is called a matriarchy because only a woman can rule the nation. Women are generally reputed better ruler than male and much less inclined to start wars. Neverthless, men can have any important place in government, clergy and military. In truth, the government is 80% women, the clergy of Valerias 70% women, the military 40% women. The other clergies are at 50% and the wizards are 60%males. Pelatan has many clerics and a lot of wizards (1 pelatians on 2 has natural magical abilities like elves), aerial troops of any kind and an always well trained military (pelatians love too much their beautiful nation to let anything destroy it). The Golden Matriarch is trained to be a priestess and wizard of high level, and she is the formal head of the church of Valerias. 7 high level priestess or priests of Valerias and 5 from the others gods (at least 2 of Ordana) are her high council. Of the 12 members of the council not more than 5 and not less than 3 are males. A rapresentative of any major group of Pelatan society can always speak to the council (like wizards, merchants, miners, farmers, dragons, sphinxes, other creatures, sailors, soldiers).

Important figures: Illemia Ishelial (30lvl C, 18lvl M)the Third Golden Matriarch is a beutiful woman of dark complexion, with red hair and green eyes. She is always very gentle and not afraid to take personal risks. She love art and tales. She try always to find the true nature of men and women.
Teron Askalil (35lvl W) the golden general of Pelatan is a famous adventurer, well known for his bravery. He and the matriarch are lovers. He still travels with his group of friends, the most famous adventurers of Pelatan. The group is called "The purple swords".
Ehamakeribh (ancient gold dragon) is 9000 years old (In my campaign the maximun lifespan of a dragon is 10000 years. If you don't like this change it). He saw the fall of Llhommar and is near a god for others dragons and pelatians. He know very well of the Carnifex menace and in all his life has fight it. Sometimes he emploies adventurers to find ancient objects or fight the outer beings plans.

Relations with others nations: Pelatan has very good relations with Nivall to the south, usually good with arica to the north and now peaceful relation with izonda. Pelatan commerce with Nivall, Arica, Tangor, Zyxl, Gombar and Sumag. Pelatans know of Kwithellar elves and despites them. Sometimes they commerce with the dwarves of Duargor. Rarely ships from the savage coast and Nentsun (nation of skothar) arrive in Pelatan. Pelatan wizards and alphatians wizards know each other and have peaceful relations. Pelatans had little contact with Heldann and want no more. They despites Vanya and her philosophy of war and conquest.

Pelatan society

Language and writing
priests and mages use a cuneiform alphabet derived by the enduk language, and influenced by draconic, that is called the ancient language. Common people use a modified elven alphabet (phonetic).

Calendar and seasons
In the southern emisphere summer is the cold season.
pelatians have three seasons:
Alena, young maiden (spring) from 21-9 to 12-1
Imaia, mother princess (hot, winter in the north) from 13-1 to 4-5
Eliela,ancient queen (cold, summer in the north) from 5/5 to 20/9
and 13 lunar months, of 26 days each but one who has 24 days: Shiria, birth (21/9 18/10)
Karia,growing (19/10 16/11) Esian, flowering (17/11 14/12) Atia, life (15/12 12/1)
Imila, ripening (13/1 10/2) Eska, splendour (11/2 8/3)Isi, light (9/3 6/4)
Halia, harvest (7/4 4/5) Silin, passing (5/5 28/5) of 24 days
Atyr, rest (1/6 26/6) Dala, gold (27/6 24/7)
Shila, wind (25/7 22/8) Yenia, achievement (23/8 20/9)
pelatians don't divide months in weeks and don't give numbers to the days. the days are identified by a tree and a god. So these are the names of the days from the first to the last day of the month:
oak of valerias, sequoia of terra, peach tree of ordana, baobab of djaea, willow of tarastia, ash of diulanna, maple of korotiku, pine of xeron, crab of ilsundal, betel of mealiden, banana tree of eyrindul, bass wood of faunus, laurel of calitha, hornbeam of valerias, chestnut of terra, cherry tree of ordana, cornel of djaea, eucalypt of tarastia, beech of diulanna, fig-tree of korotiku, pomegranate of xeron, myrtle of ilsundal, medlar tree of mealiden, ebony of eyrindul, plane tree of faunus, acacia of calitha. (in the month of passing there are no days of calitha)
so soladain 21 ambyrmont 1016 is valeashan, shiria alena 1616 (oak of valerias, birth of the young maiden 1616)

festivals and holidays
21/9 first day of the year, day of the young maiden and holy day of valerias. This days pelatians dance in the street for the goddess, new priests and priestess are accepted in the church, weddings are celebrated and contracts are stipulated.
22/9 holy day of terra, day of the life, pelatians check up health and balance of the wildlife in all the nation.
17/11 holy day of the elven gods. New plants arrive in pelatan with sailors, merchants and mages and are transplanted.
13/1 first day of the hot season, holy day of djaea, great banquets of fruits and wines are prepared this day.
11/2 holy day of tarastia, matriarchy receive any petitioneer and all the wrongs must be righted.
1/4 holy day of xeron, pelatians go naked in the beachs for some hours to workship the sun.
5/5 first day of the cold season, holy day of ordana, food is prepared and stored.
25/7 holy day of diulanna, friendly fighting and sometimes start of quests for adventurers.
14/9 holy day of korotiku, start of the trade season and day of the tricks. No one has to be sad this day and pelatians try to cheer up anyone who is.
19/9 holy day of faunus, start of the four sacred days. Pelatians go in the wood to see an animal who will predict the fate of the next year. The animal saw by the matriarchy is the fate of pelatan.
20/9 holy day of calitha starts the ship season. Pelatian swims in the sea and speak to acquatic creatures.

Architecture and transports.
Pelatians houses are rounded, with squared windows and doors. The tallest houses can be of five stories, 70 feet tall. Pelatians don't use glass for windows but curtains. Often houses are decorated inside and outside. The matriarchy palace (and temple of Valerias) is a big dome with a tall tower in the centre. The dome is 150 feet tall and the tower 300 feet tall. The palace is in the centre of a little lake. Pelatians ships are little and nut shaped, and have usually a heavily decorated bow. Pelatians use horses only to ride and magical wagons to carry goods.

Painting is the major art of pelatan. Painters often are famous people. Gardening too is considered an important art. Music and bards are common and most pelatians enjoy singing and dancing.

There are no great differences of wealth in pelatan and usually all the riches go to the guilds (who are called unions). Show excessive wealth is a bad thing (but is not punished). Individual property is not important and all belongs to guilds, churches and goverment, exspecially to the government. Neverthless, abuses of the government are rare and would lead to an immediate reaction of the people. The goverment and expecially the natural solidariety of the pelatians assures everyone food, work and an house. Pelatians work from 3 pm to 8 pm, eat a little during the day and have only an important meal at 9 pm, then they play, meet friends, sing and dance till 3 am. They sleep usually between 3 am and 11 am. Pelatians dress with short veils and men and women have naked breast and legs. Nakedness is not common but for pelatians there is nothing strange about it, and in some holidays (like xeron day) everyone walk undressed. In the cold months they have a cloak. Men and women paint their bodies and eyes and usually wear silver amulets and little gems.


IZONDA (Invincible dictatorship of)

Location: Western Davania, east of pelatan and south east of Arica
Area: more than 1,000,000 sq miles
Population : 1,000,000
Language: Izondian (mixed ogre-tanagoro) written in tanagoro.
Calendar: 1016 AC is 1886 IY (izondian year)
Government: dictatorship of the invincible warrior.
Industries: agriculture, fishing (in the central lake) hunting, mining (all kind of minerals, stones and gems) leather, some textile (cotton), weaponcraft.

History: After the fall of the enduk empire by the hands of the minotaurs of Minoides, the minotaurs themselves inhabited north western davania, fighting with the elves of pelatan and kwithellar and the lizard kin and gyerian clans of the surrondings lands. Continual warfare weakened the minotaurs, and at last the arrival of tanagoro colonists from the west drove them in the desert of Izonda, where they continued to fight the lizard kin. In 1250 BC ogres followers of Sumag arrived in the tanagoro lands and were initially welcomed. Some of the ogres however, influenced by Hel, enslaved the humans. The centuries of good or bad convivence at least mixed the two population, and ogre kin were born. In 900 BC Zumando, an arican priest, declared the war of purification against the tirrany of ogres and ogre kin. Even innocents and peaceful ogre kin were driven off. The followers of Sumag went north in the arm of the immortal (where they eventualy founded Gombar and Sumag), while others ogres and ogre kin were driven south to the desert of Izonda. Here the ogre kin and the ogres fight together against minotaurs and lizard kin, who were defeated and scattered. But in 870 BC a civil war starts between ogre kin leaded by Amuro and pure ogres leaded by Aktrom. The ogres were defeated and escaped south (until they arrived in the green bay) and Amuro founded the invincible dictatorship of Izonda.
The capital city of N'diazo (conquest) was built on the south shore of the great lake at the center of the desert, and Amuro was the first dictator. Shortly after more humanoids came from Brun, and the Izondians were forced to fight again. The church of Hel became predominant, but others churches (Korotiku and Sumag) were never outlawed. Edizaro, son of Amuro, leaded the izondians in glorious battles against pelatan, but was defeated and killed by the priestess Iemara in 801 BC. For the following centuries izondians fight against all their neighbours, conducting major wars against Pelatan in 400 and 300 Bc, Kwithellar in 500 Bc, Nivall in 700 and 200 Bc, Arica in 650 and 250 Bc, and they fight many more times with minotaurs, humans, gyerians and humanoids clans of the surrondings lands. From 150 to 100 Bc izondians fight their longer war against Pelatan and Arica, and after founded two little colonies in the north. Two other important wars were against the humanoids in 435 Ac and against pelatan and Nivall in 750 ac. That last war was a great defeat for izonda. Other countless wars and raids were perfomed from 0 ac to 800 Ac. In 800 ac the izondian society had a major change, when the church of Hel became less warlike (the goddess doesn't want the izondians destroy themselves). The warlike church became from that date the churches of Jammudaru and Thanatos (two gods who spreaded their faith in izonda from 800 Bc). In 900 Ac, after the dictator Takozo, priest of thanatos, leaded the izondians in a disastrous war against the kwithellar elves, the other churches rise against him and the church of thanatos was outlawed. In the meantime the united churches of valerias and ixion became stronger and stronger. Slowly izondians became less warlike, even if the church of vanya was founded in 980 by heldannic missionaries. In 1007 ac the churches of valerias, ixion, korotiku rised against the dictator Ewaro, priest of jammudaru, who was planning to attack pelatan. The churches of Jammudaru and Vanya were defeated, with the neutrality of the church of Hel. The revolution, called the flowers'strife, caused a woman to became dictator, for the first time in izondian history.

The People: Izondians are ogre kin, usually 7 or 8 feet tall, with dark skin, hair and eyes. They live normally to a maximun of 70 years (only a little less than humans). Izondians have 5 estabilished churches and one secret church. The estabilished are Valerias-Ixion, Korotiku, Hel, Vanya, Jammudaru. The secret church is the church of Thanatos, outlawed and working in disguise. Other religions from neighbours lands are known and sparsely workshipped (nature pantheon of pelatan, diulanna, tarastia). Izondians are always been civilized and pacifist among themselves. Act of violence and brawls are punished with lashing and immediate enlistment in the army. Duels for religious causes are admitted under authority control and in official places. Murder is punished with decapitation, but officials duels are permitted to the death. If the challenged is obviously less strong of his enemy, he can chose a champion among those of the same religion. In a big town like N'diazo (200,000 inhabitants) there is at least a duel every week, but note that less than one on fifty is to the death. Theft is a minor crime like in pelatan, and punished only with restitution and/or performing some service for the victim. Warriors are very important in Izonda, and very often they are vowed to a god (even if they aren't paladins). The army is very disciplined and in izondian history never fight a civil war. (Clerics and common people fight in the revolution, 'cause the army has the prohibition to fight izondians).
There are wizards in Izonda but much less than in Pelatan. Wizards are respected and often serve in the army, but they have a strong guild and never allied themselves with one church.

Society and Government : izonda is teorically egalitarian, but little women enter in the army or become wizard. Churches of Vanya, Hel and Valerias have a 50% of women, other churches no more than 10%. A 10% of women are also in the army and among the wizards. Now that the dictator is a priestess of Valerias nearly 30% women serve in the government, but usually was no more than 5%. The dictator rules with many provincial and inferiors funzionaries, and is aided by a council of twelve people, one from the army, five for each church and one for each guild of wizards, farmers, merchants, smiths, miners and hunters. The counsellors have always the right to speak but is always the dictator who decides. The counsellors are often from one of the wealthiest fifty families of Izonda, heirs to the ancient clans of ogre kin. Each citizen of Izonda is linked to one of the fifty families, based in the five provinces. Most citizen are also partisans of a church. Every family is usually linked to a particular church, but not all the members of a family are partisan of the same church. It's a great disgrace for a noble family that its brethren have not houses or food, and it's a shame to have and show superfluous luxuries.The dictator can rules for all his life, but the council can depone him if he made a big mistake or lose a war. The deposed dictator remain a member of the council only if was the higher priest of a church or a guild speaker. The precedent dictator Ewaro was deposed by the revolt and killed in duel by the actual dictator. Such a thing happened in izondian history only another time, at the dictator Takozo, in 900 Ac.

Adventures links: There are a lot of intrigues and fights among churches in Izonda and rivalries between noble families. In spite of this, you have to remember that is a crime to bring disorder, unrest and violence among izondian citizen. So most of the intrigues are carefully planned in the dark and usually includes thefts and duels. Before the flowers'strife strangers were not welcomed in Izonda. Things now are changed, but remember that not-ogrekin will always be regarded with suspicion. Minotaurs and humanoids are a costant threat to izonda, and so human barbarians to the south and east

Important figures: Ekara N'iombo the invincible dictator. (C31) Ekara is a woman of striking beauty and strong personality. She rules wisely and try to not upset any church, family and guild. She is 30 y.old.
Gasu N'elgoyo, high priest of Jammudaru (C26) Gasu plot to be the next dictator and overthrow Ekara. He despites the actual dictator but is not a fanatic. He is a moderate, and some young clerics of his church accuse him to be little warlike and always undecided.
Itsea N'jeimu. This young wizardess (M25) is rising to the head of the mage guild. She is not a follower of Valerias but she want closer ties with Pelatan to improve magic in Izonda.
Hadapi Katap. The high priest of the hidden church of Thanatos is a bitter and cruel man, disfigured by orrible scars. He is a man of no scruples and has committed innumerable crimes. Many want him dead.
(A little note: the letter "n" before the surname is sign of noble descent)

Neighbours lands: Izonda is now at peace with Pelatan, Nivall, gyerian clans and Arica, and probably will be until Ekara is dictator. There are bad relations with the Kwithellar elves, but not fighting at the present. Sometimes there are little clashes with minotaurs, lizard kin, humanoids and barbarians humans. The major trading partners of Izonda are Gombar ad Sumag, but sometimes izondians are visited by merchants from the savage coast and Zyxl too. There are good relations with the heldannic knights of Scheimmiz.

From Erkani Erental, adventurer and explorer, to Illeia Ishelial, third golden matriarch of Pelatan

Bless upon you, my radiant mother
Here is, as you wished, some information about the minotaurs of the land of Mis. I will begin with their history, as i learned it from them, together with some consideration of mine upon the matter.
The minotaurs divide their history in cycles. I will try to organize the cycles in a timeline more familiar to us.
From 4900 to 2400 BI (before Iemara, BC 5500-3000)
The first cycle was the time when they had wings, and lived in perfect happiness. It's easy to comprehend that they refer to the times of the enduk empire. They have just a confused mith of these times, and they call this cycle the Cycle of Strenght.
From 2400 BI to 1450 BI (3000-2050 BC)
The second cycle is the time of rainstorm and dark days when many of them died. They call this cycle the First Cycle of Sorrow, and they said that in this time the Sun God abandoned them. Obviously they speak of the dark and difficult time after the Great Rain of Fire. In this time they began to workship the Death Goddess, who they call Ela. It's very interesting the fact that they don't make mention of the enduks, neither of the civil war between the winged enduks and the fallen minotaurs. As we know well the war ended with the decimated enduks forced to sail north and leave Davania forever.
From 1450 BI to 1150 BI (2050-1750 BC)
But the civil war is not included in the first Cycle of Sorrow, but in the First Cycle of Rage, when the minotaurs attacked every living being on Davania. With regard to the enduks, the fact that they are not mentioned in minotaurs history, as if, after the First Cycle of Sorrow, was survived no winged minotaur, is a clear signal of the sense of guilt for the killings of their brothers. The minotaurs are not mindless brutes as many nations of Davania believed and still believe. They have a strong sense of honour, and they have never tried to exterminate other people, neither the enduks, while other people, particulary aricans, ogre tribes and izonda, often tried to exterminate them. That don't exclude that to forget about enduks was an useful lie too, and a way to forget the curse the Sun God placed upon the followers of Minoides: never to have a nation, never to have peace. That don't exclude either that people of Davania suffered under the minotaurs' rule, particulary elves of pelatan and the newly arrived tanagoro colonists in arica.
From 1150 BI to 700 BI (1750-1300 BC)
The minotaurs' power upon the people of Davania ended when aricans, aided by the elves, defeated the minotaurs. So begin their Second Cycle of Sorrow. It has been reported in ancients chronicles that the elves of pelatan stopped to aid the humans disgusted with their ferocity against the defeated minotaurs. So the assertions of minotaurs' history are testimonied even by our chronicles. In the following centuries the minotaurs, driven in the desert, were enslaved by the lizard kin, until a priestess leaded them to a revolt that reversed the situation.
From 700 BI to 300 BI (1300 - 900 BC)
The minotaurs ruled in the desert for four centuries, and in that cycle, called the Second Cycle of Rage, they raided mostly arican humans, leaving ourseleves in peace. There are even reports of Pelatians merchants who traveled to the lands of the minotaurs and traded with them.
From 300 BI to 200 IY (900 - 400 BC)
The civil war in the arican lands drove away ogres and ogre kin of arica. The ogre kin of good nature escaped mostly in our lands or in the north, while the ogres and ogre kin of evil intention attacked the minotaurs. So began their Third Cycle of Sorrow. The ogres had no mercy of their enemies. The minotaurs were driven north, where only the kindness of the zebrataurs saved them. The zebrataurs gave the minotaurs some of their lands. This fact is only partially recognised in minotaurs' history. As we know well the ogre kin founded Izonda, and shortly after more humanoid came from the north. That was a bitter time for all the people of Davania, but for us was also the glorious time of the foundation of the Golden Matriarchy (600 BC).
From 200 IY to 500 IY (400 - 100 BC)
When the humanoids began to diminish for the costant wars with Izonda, the minotaurs began their Third Cycle of Rage. They drove away many humanoid tribes, defeated Izonda, and secured the grassland north of the desert for them and the zebrataurs. In Izondian history the shame of the defeat at the hands of "barbarians" minotaurs has been carefully hidden.
From 500 IY to 850 IY (100 BC - 250 AC)
The real barbarians were revealed in the minotaurs' Fourth Cycle of Sorrow. The Izondian army invaded minotaurs lands killing everyone without discrimination. The minotaurs escaped north, only to encounter other hostile humanoids and the goblins of Kresh. They hid in jungles and hills, and hid so well that a pelatian explorers of that time wrote to the Golden Matriarch Iasia he was sure that the minotaurs had been utterly exterminated by Izondians and savages humanoids.
From 850 IY to 1100 IY (250 - 500 AC)
But that statement was not the truth, because some centuries after the minotaurs came out from their hidden villages, to begin their Fourth Cycle of Rage. Once again they defeated izondians and humanoids and conquered many lands in the north. The Golden Matriarch Iasia sent an ambassador to speak with minotaurs chiefs, and for some time Pelatan and the minotaurs had an informal alliance against Izonda.
From 1100 IY to the present days (500 AC - 1016 AC)
When Izonda declared the great humanoid war the minotaurs were a primary target of izondian ferocity. So began the Fifth Cycle of Sorrow. This time, as is well recognized in minotaurs history, the zebrataurs saved them from extermination, giving them hospitality. When izondian pressure on the north diminished the minotaurs became the nomadic people they are now. They roam the grassland peacefully, fighting only if attacked. But still they await a Fifth Cycle of Rage.

Here ends my report. I hope it will prove useful to you, my radiant mother. I hope also that Pelatan will estabilish peaceful and costant relations with those people. Living among them i began to comprehend and appreciate them. Their honour and their courage, and even their stubbornness to live against the will of the immortals.
Forgive my last phrase.
Bless upon you, my radiant mother.


MIS (The last Haven of)

Location: North western Davania, east of Arica and West of the Izondian Wall.
Area: 50.000 sq miles
Population: unknown, maybe from 50.000 to 100.000 inhabitants, very variable.
Language: Minoides, not written.
Calendar: no numerical calendar. See below.
Government: tribal chiefs and priestesses, sometimes with an unifying war leader
Industries: hunting, fishing, mining, horticulture, weaponcraft.

History: Sit, young, and hear the story of the priestess. From her mouth, you hear your story and your fate ! "In the far far times, minotaurs lived in richness and prosperity. They were immortals like the powers and they lived in caves of gold where no bounty was missing. They had wings to fly, and lived in perfect happiness. Their Great Chief was a warrior named Minoides, wise and strong. But one day, the storm came from the north. Lightings and rains killed many minotaurs, and the cruel wind broke their wings. When the storm ended, a white and little sun appeared, shining weakly on our sorrow. Minoides went to the sun, and spoke to him. What have we done sun father, - he said - to deserve such a punishment ?. The little sun did not answer to Minoides question. Many times the priestesses tried to speak with the sun father, but never he answered their questions. And the beautiful wings of the minotaurs faltered and fall, and the whelps began to die. Betrayed by the sun father, broken by their sorrow, Minoides and his people sat on the mud, awaiting death. Then a female arrived, dressed in black, with her face painted white. I'm here to save the most noble and strong people of all - she said - who the immortals betrayed to make way to their weak progeny. Deny the immortals - she cried - and fight their corrupted progeny who killed your whelp. And so Minoides saw she was the only truth, the dark mother Ela. In her name Minoides and the priestesses declared the First Cicle of Rage (2050bc), and the minotaurs fighted with all the weak progeny of the evil immortals. Many and many nights minotaurs fighted and win, destroying the corruption of the immortal progeny, and many Great Chiefs ruled after Minoides. Many nights the minotaurs ruled forests and hills and rivers. But one day the vengeful immortals leaded the black men from the west to our lands, to destroy the minotaurs, to exteminate the minotaurs. The black men killed warriors and priestesses, whelps and youngs. So began the Second Cicle of Sorrow (1750bc), and the minotaurs were driven in the evil desert, under the eye of the cruel sun father, in the lands of the cruel lizard men. In the cicle of sorrow lizard men killed whelps and youngs, enslaved the minotaurs, and hunted the minotaurs wherever they find them. But one night a great priestess came, calling the minotaurs to fight in the name of Ela. Areias was her name, and she began the Second Cicle of Rage (1300bc). The minotaurs rose against the lizard kin, servants of the cruel sun father, killing and enslaving them. And many nights they ruled in the desert, under the envious eye of the cruel sun father. But one day the sun father sended from the west other servants , the big grey men, seeking revenge against the strong minotaurs. The grey men were as numerous as the sand, and they killed youngs and whelps, warriors and priestesses, until the minotaurs were exterminated, and the survivors were driven north, to the land of the eternal grass. So began the Third Cicle of Sorrow (900bc). In the land of the eternal grass lived the horse men. They were too servants of the cruel immortals, but they were not cruel as the immortals. They fighted the minotaurs with honour, they did not killed youngs and whelps. So the minotaurs maked peace with them, because the horse people were honoured warriors. But the minotaurs were few, and from the south the grey men raided and took prisoners, and from the north others grey men came, to kill whelps and youngs, to enslave and to exterminate the minotaurs. Long was the third cicle of sorrow. But one night a warrior came, Kres was his name, and proclaimed the Third Cicle of Rage (400bc). The minotaurs fighted with honour and courage, and killed many grey men in the south, and many black men in the east, and many of the white man and the little grey man in the north. And so the minotaurs rebuilded their rule, and the progeny of the immortals once again feared them. But one day many and many grey man came from the south, to kill minotaurs and horse men, to take all the land of the minotaurs. They killed youngs and whelps, fighting without honour with their dark power, and so began the Fourth Cicle of Sorrow (100bc). The grey men hunted the minotaurs everywhere in the land, spreading the blood of the whelp on the land of the eternal grass. And so the minotaurs went north, but north they found no haven, only others grey men who killed whelps and youngs. So the minotaurs had to hide in dark forests and bare hills, with no food to give to their whelp. Hard, hard and sad was the fourth cicle of sorrow. But one day a priestess came, Hagias her name, and she proclaimed the Fourth Cicle of Rage (250ac). The minotaurs leaved the dark forests and the bare hills, and descended upon villages and cities of the grey men, and upon villages and cities of the black men. And they killed and won, and no progeny of the immortals dare to defy the minotaurs, for many nights, because the minotaurs were ruler of hills and forests. But one day many grey men came, many from the north, many from the south, and many of the little grey men from the east. And so began the Fifth Cicle of Sorrow (500ac). All the progeny of the immortals attacked the minotaurs, trying to exterminate them. There were no place to hide, no land to live. Every day the minotaurs were fewer, every day many minotaurs died. But Ela send them an omen, and the minotaurs went to the lands of the horse people. And the horse people, who were warriors of honour, hid them in their land. Many nights the minotaurs lived in the lands of the horse people, but at last there was not enough food for the whelp of the horse people, and the whelp of the minotaurs. Stay with us - the horse people said to the minotaurs - and we will divide the food. But the minotaurs went away, because they did not want the horse people suffer for them. And so the minotaurs began to wander in the land of the eternal grass, always fighting their enemies, always with little food for their whelps. Many nights are, that last this cicle of sorrow. But we, the priestesses, have received an omen from Ela. Prepare yourselves, minotaurs, because this cicle is near to the end, and one night a warrior will come, and he will lead us to the Fifth Cicle of Rage.

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