SCHEDA DI LETTURA  Michela Ragogna


Edition :





AUTHOR Philip Prowse



(Horror, crime, love, adventure

Detective story









Steve Jackson is a private detective in Los Angeles. There isn’t much work this summer and he needs money for his new car. Luckily a woman called Ann walks into his office, with a case to solve: he must find a missing person, Mark Spate, that worked for a rent-car office.

Steve discovers that Mark drove for work to Mexico, in a little town called El Mayor, then he disappeared. But the case becomes very dangerous: a man with a leather jacket, Walter, tries to kill him, cutting the brake pipes of his new car. Steve and Ann don’t give up in any case and travel to Mexico, to look for new clues. They find a dead man in the bottom of a lake and they discover a diamonds’ smuggling, where very important  people like Dr. Summers and Todd are involved. Steve is taken prisoner in Los Angeles and Sergeant Todd tries to dash him into a ravine, but Ann saves him. Then they find Mark in Mexico, prisoner of  Dr. Summers and his accessories. In fact Mark is a policeman that found and hid some diamonds in a safe place. Unfortunately the criminals recover the diamonds and they are going to kill Steve and Ann but the Mexican police come on time. All turns out well: they send to jail the smugglers and Steve and Ann fall in love.   

SETTING TIME: a summer nowadays; the story begins on a Monday morning in late July.

PLACE: the story is set in the streets of Los Angeles and in a little and quiet town in Mexico, El Mayor. Here they stay in a cabin near a little wood and a lake, full of surprises                             

ATMOSPHERE: it’ s always inhospitable and unfriendly for Steve and Ann: it seems  they are alone.  



Description: Steve Jackson is a private detective in Los Angeles. He worked for the police but he left it when he discovered that his Sergeant, Todd, takes bribes. He is a handsome man with blue eyes and curly blond hair. He’s clever, brave , impulsive and he never gives up.

Ann is a beautiful and mysterious woman. She has black hair and green eyes. We don’t know who she really is until the end of the story. She’s clever and authoritarian.

Dr. Summers is a white-haired doctor who works in a private clinic. He had an only passion: diamonds and he will do everything for them. He is cold and a bit crazy.  


-private investigation

-diamonds’ smuggling



(give your opinion but substantiate !)

I liked this book, because it has a fast rhythm: it’s never boring and it’s pleasant to read. In fact there are not many words to check, but there are a lot of pictures and dialogs. Perhaps the story is a bit too muddled and the characters are superficially described.



“Two men were crossing the road right in front of me. They were carrying a very big sheet of glass. I put my foot hard on the brakes: nothing happened!”

 “- Tell me were the diamonds are-

 - I told you. They’re in the w… in the w…- Then Spate was silent.”
