'; var headerH = '
'; var helpH = ' Tempi
Archivio'; var tabH = ''; var fileH = ''; var fold0H = 'Clicca per espandere'; var fold1H = 'Clicca per ridurre'; var baseSite = ''; var allowHighLights = true; var S=1; // Selected var X=2; // eXpanded function isX(o) { return o.flags&X; } function setX(o,b) { if (b) o.flags |= X; else o.flags &= ~X; } function isS(o) { return o.flags&S; } function setS(o,b) { if (b) o.flags |= S; else o.flags &= ~S; } function isF(o) { return o.kids.length>0; } function isNetscape() { return (navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1); } // Builds a HTML text to display a single node in the tree // o is the node, i is the indent size function buildH(o) { // Indent var res=''; for(var j=o.tab;j>0;j--) res += tabH; // Icon (file or folder?) res+='
'; if (isF(o)) { res+=''; else { if (o.loc.indexOf('javascript:') == 0) { res+=''; } else { var target='main'; if (o.loc.indexOf('://') != -1) target = '_top'; if (o.loc=='') res+=''+o.title; else res+=''+o.title+''; } } res+='
'; return res; } // Builds a HTML text to display a nodes description function buildTxtH(o) { // Extra space.gif inserted for correct aligning... return ''+tabH+'
'; } // Displays a nodes tree function showList(doc, o) { // The toff node is for turning off the Site Explorer. // We need to rebuild it everytime so that it links to the // currently displayed page. if (toff && toff == o) { toff.html[toff.flags] = null; toff.loc = baseSite + lastselected.loc; } if (!o.html[o.flags]) o.html[o.flags] = buildH(o); doc.writeln(o.html[o.flags]); if (isX(o)) { for(var i=0; i'); showList(doc, node); doc.writeln(''); if (IsShowDescs) showDescs(doc, node); doc.writeln(''); if (IsShowDescs) doc.writeln(helpH); } function debug(t, leaveOpen) { window.defaultStatus = t; if (!self.term) return; var doc = self.term.document; doc.open(); doc.writeln(t); if (leaveOpen!=true) doc.close(); } function loaded(name) { if (lastloaded != name) { if (lastselected) setS(lastselected, false); select(root, name); mkIdxNow(); lastloaded=name; } } function mkIdxNow() { if (!self.map) return; var doc = map.document; if (doc) { doc.open(); doc.writeln(bodyText); show(doc, root); doc.close(); } } //A bug in Netscape 3 means that a page cannot be dynamically created correctly //a function call made from within the page itself. (Because when the page has // been redrawn the function has nowhere to return to - I guess) // A trick to avoid this happening is to set a short timer, after which the // function is called from some global scope. function mkIdx() { setTimeout('mkIdxNow()',50); } // Create an array function array(n) { this.length=n; return this; } // Calculates indentation for each node. function indentTree(o,i) { o.tab=i; for(var k=0; k"); for(var i=0; i1000 - 1100', '', ''); doc1 = new node('doc1', '', '1000 - 1100', '', '', doc11); doc21 = new node('doc21', '2.htm', '1101 - 1200', '', ''); doc2 = new node('doc2', '', '1101 - 1200', '', '', doc21); doc31 = new node('doc31', '3.htm', '1201 - 1300', '', ''); doc3 = new node('doc3', '', '1201 - 1300', '', '', doc31); doc44 = new node('doc44', '56.htm', '1380 - 1400', '', ''); doc43 = new node('doc43', '40.htm', '1373 - 1379', '', ''); doc42 = new node('doc42', '27.htm', '1364 - 1372', '', ''); doc41 = new node('doc41', '15.htm', '1301 - 1363', '', ''); doc4 = new node('doc4', '', '1301 - 1400', '', '', doc41, doc42, doc43, doc44); doc57 = new node('doc57', '175.htm', '1483 - 1500', '', ''); doc56 = new node('doc56', '158.htm', '1476 - 1482', '', ''); doc55 = new node('doc55', '141.htm', '1463 - 1475', '', ''); doc54 = new node('doc54', '126.htm', '1448 - 1462', '', ''); doc53 = new node('doc53', '109.htm', '1432 - 1448', '', ''); doc52 = new node('doc52', '93.htm', '1415 - 1431', '', ''); doc51 = new node('doc51', '77.htm', '1401 - 1414', '', ''); doc5 = new node('doc5', '', '1401 - 1500', '', '', doc51, doc52, doc53, doc54, doc55, doc56, doc57); doc65 = new node('doc65', '245.htm', '1571 - 1600', '', ''); doc64 = new node('doc64', '235.htm', '1549 - 1570', '', ''); doc63 = new node('doc63', '219.htm', '1531 - 1548', '', ''); doc62 = new node('doc62', '204.htm', '1518 - 1530', '', ''); doc61 = new node('doc61', '188.htm', '1501 - 1517', '', ''); doc6 = new node('doc6', '', '1501 - 1600', '', '', doc61, doc62, doc63, doc64, doc65); doc73 = new node('doc73', '284.htm', '1658 - 1700', '', ''); doc72 = new node('doc72', '270.htm', '1641 - 1657', '', ''); doc71 = new node('doc71', '255.htm', '1601 - 1640', '', ''); doc7 = new node('doc7', '', '1601 - 1700', '', '', doc71, doc72, doc73); doc81 = new node('doc81', '298.htm', '1701 - 1772', '', ''); doc8 = new node('doc8', '', '1701 - 1772', '', '', doc81); // Build Site Map - FINISH togg = new node('togg', 'javascript:parent.toggleDescAndRedraw()', 'Toggle page descriptions', '', 'Turn on or off the page descriptions in this column. Off = faster'); toff = new node('toff', baseSite+'/sitemap/home.htm', 'Turn off Site Map', '', 'Turn off all frames and this map'); pref = new node('pref', '', 'Site Map Preferences', '', 'Change characteristics of this site map', togg, toff); // Build Site Map Home Page - START root = new node('home', 'home.htm', 'Mappa', '', '', doc1, doc2, doc3, doc4, doc5, doc6, doc7, doc8); // Build Site Map Home Page - FINISH // Determine indents for each page indentTree(root,0); // Expand first node (Home Page) setX(root,true); // Select first node (Home Page) select(root,'home'); // Page redrawn by the 'map' frame when it calls mkIdx() or when a new page loads in the 'main' frame // and calls loaded(). This means the 'map' page is kept up to date even if the page changes // by clicking a link in one of the pages. //whew! --> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFCC" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#004080"><!-- bsl1 !! 2--> <!-- iubenda --> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://i5.plug.it/cmp/iub_conf_libero.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.iubenda.com/cs/tcf/stub-v2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.iubenda.com/cs/iubenda_cs.js" charset="UTF-8" async></script> <!-- /iubenda --> <!-- IOL/Iubenda --> <script src='https://i5.plug.it/cmp/qciol.min.js' async="true"></script> <!-- /IOL/Iubenda --> <script src="//barra-spazio.libero.it/x/js/barra_n04_siti.js?ver=1" type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"></script> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript" src="//digistatic.libero.it/css/header_8_3_04/js/hf.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="//digistatic.libero.it/css/header_8_3_04/js/clickserver.js"></script> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> Libero.Stash.HF = { version: '8.3.04', cksrv: { a: 'HF8.3.04', b: 'digilander' } }; </script> <!--[if IE]> <style> #lh_header_top #lh_other, #lh_header_top #lh_options { top: 23px; } #lh_header_top #lh_nicknames { top: 22px; } #lh_header_top #lh_area04 a.lh_nicknames_arrow { /*height: 16px;*/ } #lh_header #lh_area03 .lh_pos { padding-top: 4px; } #lh_header #lh_area03 table td input { margin-top: -1px !important; margin-top: -2px; } #lh_header #lh_close_me { margin-top: 0; } #lh_header.lite, #lh_header.liquid, #lh_header.liquid800, #lf_footer.lite, #lf_footer.liquid { width: expression(document.body.clientWidth < 800 ? 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